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pretty sure you just shoot him back or dodge roll your way up the flying butte ress

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Do Japs really do this?


are you talking about the egg? pasta that has just been cooked (or microwaved I guess) has enough temperature to cook the eggs, that's how carbonara is made too


My Japanese roommate said other Americans told him it's rude to hold his plate up but I said I think it's reasonable and a better way to eat


Cracking a raw egg over microwaved spaghetti is not carbonara…


No, that's amore!

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why do nippons write their ship names in reverse on the hullside?
shown here is minekaze, but on the hull there's ゼカネミ

or is it actually read from right to left? there are many other ships like this.


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Because they used to write everything like that before they lost the war. The little flag on the back of your ship is the answer.


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Someone just accidentally flipped the image around, that's all.

Here's the corrected version.

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Mr Poo Poo is looking fresh-!
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lol imagine the self image people have if they look at this and think it's making fun of them

like there are people that look at that and think HEY! That looks like me :((


>and think it's making fun of them
Uhh that's literally what blackface is, it was used to make fun of black people for over 100 years


yeah japan certainly has a long history of blackface


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hate kaga
love linda


hate banri


Want to beat everyone to death in this show


Banri: pussy so much its actually disgusting
Linda gave it up pretty quickly, fucking whore
Le meltdown chad who dyed his hair blonde: do I even need to say anything? He needs to kill himself
Le rich girl something: actually turned out better towrds the end of the show but being better than a bunch of cowshit is not an achievement
Seriously kill every character in this show, I don't know why it was created in the first place anyway.
If you love romance, do not watch Golden time, it's fucking crap

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you just made nico's day


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just realized its 5 2's so it's ニx五 (nigo :DD)


Maki the whore.


maki won't cri this time


メーキ メーキ gimme the ケーキ

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the three things all humans urge to experience are sex, being a parent, and committing murder


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Damn actually true tho



2 different posters

t. whatmin

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cummon bro!


Sure thing bro no homo

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*parts your bangs and smooches your forehead*


*parts your bangs and cum on it*


*squeezes out huge turd onto your face*


*parts the turds on your face and cum on it*


*parts the cum on your face and pours scalding hot coffee on your face*

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Kill every tranny


America is full of impulsive coomer psychos what a shock…


Your time will come to die freak


Last time I looked at this I found it hasn't been successfully used to acquit since the 90s and is just what the defense lawyer says, like the chewbacca defense


We'll just say you sexually assaulted us tranny


Really glad maki protected the get from this rudeposter

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I know her IRL

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whatmin i cant beat the spider boss
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How pathetic


You couldn't even beat it if you were overpowered


Well, considering that being overpowered literally means that you have excess power and beat things with ease, then he actually very definitely could beat it while being overpowered, otherwise he wouldn't be overpowered, would he now?


No he would be overpowered but just so stupid and bad at the game that he would still lose

Stupid tranny


The player's skill is a balancing factor you fucking cis scum. He's still not overpowered if he's retarded.


The point is he sucks as hard as you suck black dick

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Who are these people

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