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>Lain is something you grow out of
11 posts and 2 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


yeah that tone and edge is literally teen bait


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ticks is that you? i used to think you were so cool!!


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What the hell is this



my mom points out birds to me and tells me what they are when we got for walks
last week we saw a king fisher diving into a pond over and over again trying to catch some fish

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Anyone find it weird how Leon's face model looks like a legit 10/10 while Claire's looks like some ordinary British chick?


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Claire is fucking hot.

Especially at the end when she says she needs a shower and Shelly says she stinks really bad.


Lol never change whatnot




Claire looks like a squirrel


He really needs to change though

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Gonna buy a vibrating/beeping collar for my cat.

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October 4th 2020
8 posts and 2 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Post the thread you got it from idolcel


Yeah that's what I thought. You saved it from my thread don't ever use my blog image again without my permission and a thank you incel


you can clearly see the image name right there…


Are you literally retarded




i created the image and this otateen read my blog thread saVed it and posted it on here he owes me

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Just posting some babes don't mind me.


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This is unironically why I hate the question "Why do poor white people vote republican?"

Because democrats hate poor/working class white people, while at the same time they love immigrants and giving welfare to immigrants.


no the reason is the republican party is literally the white pride party and the democrat party is literally the fuck white people and empower nonwhites party

it's literally just a culture war btw, both candidatees are owned by jewish bankers, it's meme mkultra pushed by media, if you actually unironically take part in it you are a useful idiot, you're supposed to play both sides and pretend ot be a leftist on white right communities like 4chan and pretend to be a nazi on twitter and tumblr and get them to lose their heads and kill eaCH OTHER. order out of chaos

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Why does peeing after nutting feel so good




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The main character Dogesuaru, who wants to see the naughty bits of girls, has a last resort to persuade them. That is, to grovel in front of them. Intent on having his lewd requests heard, he endures through the kowtowing. The heroines are often taken aback, embarrassed, and confused by his sudden action. Is anything impossible before dogeza?! Will the girls show him their risqué side?!


They'll call the police or laugh at him or record him


Yeds but

>Intent on having his lewd requests heard, he endures through the kowtowing

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This actually works wonders, when you are making out with a girl and she is reluctant to have sex just grab her hand and place it in your hard cock and she will go nuts.


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ill keep it in mind

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whatmin do you like her? she's such a femdom and toxic bully to her real life bf, he's the kid from american horror story and they remind me of me and my ex

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Anyone here ever try squid ink? What's it taste like?


Salty milk and coins


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