[ what / sjis / test-php ]

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Better than ever

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Post yfw after you murder whamming


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Post yfw I report you to your college for death threats


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they can't bring you back from the dead

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Lol bro


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I get it but it's confusing


i don't get it


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How are you preparing for the 20s
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I'm becoming more schizo. I only have nightmares now, and they are all about me becoming homeless or getting killed


One or both of those is likely to happen


Let's hope I get killed then bc I don't want to be homeless



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how do those two thoughts logically connect


they don't, he's a pseud. Watch his debate with Žižek. *sniff*

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he is really angry that libertarian idiots misread watchmen



Isn't he an libertarian in other outwitsanarchist

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Love IU
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Fuck I hate gooks so much.


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Fuck I hate toilet ghosts so much


I want to fuck her while she wears this outfit


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Do you like uwabaki color coded by grade too?


sorry I dont speak weeb


"like" means "suki"


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File: 1576366691450.7z (43.36 MB,yuzu-windows-msvc-early-acc….7z)





That's actually GPL V2 software, that is behind a Patreon paywall

Was about to delete OP but since you posted I'll keep this thread up.

This is yuzu's current Early Access release with vulkan support. The source code isn't included, to run it through Wine you need Wine built with vulkan child window patch


>That's actually GPL V2 software, that is behind a Patreon paywall
So there's nothing illegal about posting it here


Nothing at all, I'm allowed to share it obviously.

The yuzu devs just don't offer support for these builds if you're not signed up with their Patreon, and are a little snarky about it.

They don't exactly make it known that it's allowed to be shared either, let alone explain how the GPL makes it illegal to disallow sharing.


post snark examples

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went for another drunk pushbike ride yesterday
had to lay down on the side of the road on the grass and passed out for a while
what a spectacle it must have been, luckily they're lonely country roads so no one about
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hahahha look at this lonely gay /what/friend just lying down on the grass in some lonely gay country road no one knows about!! so silly!!


btw my anus was bleeding a bit when I woke up, must have been a side effect from all the alcohol!


what the fuck is a pushbike


a regular manually operated bicycle, as opposed to one with a motor


I think it's a commonwealth type of term.


like massachusetts?

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Age: female
Gender: Asian
Race: 17


Blue eyes blonde hair



epic twitch meme twitchvro


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I was scrolling /what/ page 1 and just saw the top of her head, like this much, and I immediately knew it was Marie Rose

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