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File: 1597066322239.jpg (79.84 KB,720x1016,FB_IMG_1597033954467.jpg) iqdb




This is my dream unironically


why do you reply to your own posts


File: 1597102176277.jpg (268.65 KB,720x1016,1597066322239.jpg) iqdb

fixed your shitty facebook image


So you took out the FB?

Big whoop

File: 1597107325121.png (231.66 KB,577x199,2020-08-10-154438_1920x108….png) iqdb


Why is there so many Chinese people on NA WoW Classic servers?

They have names like "Zhaogao", most don't speak any fucking English, they bot, farm everything like crazy and fuck up the economy, and sell gold for real life money at very cheap prices.

This is an actual conversation I had with one.


Imagine still thinking the Chinese are totally not a threat. This is just how they are they'll invade another place once the well dries up.

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4 posts and 2 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


arcade sticks are a crutch for casuals


there getting their smelly anuses all over the chairs


Why? I can easily notice I'm getting fucked over with a keyboard in touhou hisoutensoku and I'm a fucking noob. You don't even need to be high level or anything for that


Where are the cowtits?
That sounds incredibly good


so virtually every pro fighting gamer is a casual?


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im retard



This nigga has been shrooming

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Nigga what you thinking posting that sheit!?


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I really don't know why they wouldn't release that footage right away.
It made it so clear the guy was high as shit and had some kind of major medical issue. I still think we should have requirements for police officers to recognize a suspect in medical distress as well as non-violent ones in psychological distress and offer to take the suspect to a hospital instead of holding.

At this rate there's probably going to be another set of riots when Chauvin gets exonerated.
Well I guess it'll come down to which of all the conflicting autopsies are considered correct in the court of law.


The second autopsy was done by the same guy who did the Epstein autopsy




whenever I see a guy with a taller girl, I get happy.
I think "He is living the dream"


6 foot hot girl matched me and messaged me

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>me look girl in shower
>me do monkey walk haha

*kyaaa* *shoots bow at u*


where does she pull the arrows from?


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Post too long. Click here to view the full text.



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that's not a girl
that's a gun

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4 posts and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.


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except it would? the vast majority of anime isn't even animated at 1080p

this is clearly just an upscale


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That's an intentionally blurred scene because she's going fast.


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Real niggaz only watch anime in 240p or 480p

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19 years ago was 1320212


Time keeps on slipping…


cute g-words


you mean "girls" right??



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I hate myself…


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stop being yourself then

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Holly fuck. The Bible is the true blackpill.

Whamming have you read this shit? Ecclesiastes is real as fuck


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I said to myself, “Look, I have increased in wisdom more than anyone who has ruled over Jerusalem before me; I have experienced much of wisdom and knowledge.” 17 Then I applied myself to the understanding of wisdom, and also of madness and folly, but I learned that this, too, is a chasing after the wind.

For with much wisdom comes much sorrow;
the more knowledge, the more grief.


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Well damn I guess I ain't leaving


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Damn she blocked the steps.


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I can't believe I can't beat this little girl with a sword

dumb pyramid head ripoff I can literally just walk away lmao


What game?




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Cineris Somnia



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