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Very cool image, bro. Now you are 'in', and you can post other cool memes with other cool bros. Haha 'I want to die' as our other cool members say, am I right? Depression is very in these days. 'Me gusta' as the cool guys say it nowadays, right? Haha.

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Do you like kalimari?


i do in fact


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I have never ever


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5 posts and 2 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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Stop posting these stupid ass wojak edits on /what/


Stop posting low tier twitter drawfag attempts to ride the memewave to get efamous


Ecelebs are kind of dime a dozen. Might be a little annoying, but people's attention is so transient, it's hard to stay a permanent fixture in the public lexicon intentionally, much less by proxy of some Internet rando.


I never followed any of them, I'm just bothered by the lack of real attempt. Sure memes aren't high quality art but they are made by nameless communities and nondrawfags in paint and gimp and other simple stuff


Yeah, I definitely miss the days of peinto.org and stuff. I personally can't even bring myself to draw pseudoanonymously, because I don't like the commitment of owning an account. Art is such an ego thing, people really adore the idea of owning the things they make.

But it's somewhat necessary. For example, I could release something under CC-BY copyleft or copycenter. Arguably, that permits more freedom than public domain under anonymity. In a practical sense, copyleft ensures much of the intended effects of public domain with much greater efficacy in a society where social media like YouTube and DeviantArt steals your copyright without explicit consent and DMCA has no repercussions.

It might be construed as vanity to maintain an identy in the form of copyright, but, with copyleft, it can also be an ethical decision that's to the benefit of others. In protecting yourself, you protect the people who redistribute your media and make derivatives from being the target of unjust DMCA's.

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my gf on the right


hi Mei

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19 hour 100% run that actually turns out to be a 99% run because you forgot one thing way earlier in the run and then horrible RNG anyway in the last segment of the run causing 5 minute time loss HAHAHA


Can you post that ASCII tifa


It's actually all fucked up in the replay chat on the video.

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who needs physics when you have anime tiddies and ass


And anime girls in kneepads?



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Sorry I don't speak Chinese little man.



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why does he ignore this thread


because it's a bad thread



because you are a nigger




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Pornhub's gotten really good since people started using it as an alternative to Youtube


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for a while pornhub was the only place on the internet where you could stream In the Court of the Crimson King.

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What's wrong with this girl? Is she having a autism episode?

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Tragic but true…


that feeling when I can't call black people nigger on the internet anymore. this has been a negative change of massive proportion


this but unironically


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That image is retarded. The only things it can actually kind of be applied to are games and comics, both of which still have the old-style stuff in fucking spades if you know where to look.

Of course, this isn't about the hobby, it's about your ability to use it to define yourself. Because millennials for some inexplicable reason base their entire personalities around the media they consume


Anime is currently going through this


Big budget games movies succumb to it


That just means you're not looking hard enough.

As long as there is demand for something, no matter how immeasurably small that demand is, there will be people producing it. There's an entire industry built around drawing gay furry anal vore. If you can't find games and movies you like, I don't know what to tell you.

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I ate an impossible whopper

It was okay, 4chan is making fun of it for having insane amounts of estrogen
2 posts and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.


I had a good one the first time, the day it was introduced in my area. The second time at a different BK it tasted "off." The third time, same BK as the 1st, it was burnt. BK needs to get its shit together.

Also, I'm posting from a proxy because tor posting didn't work. Can't this place get with the times and make an onion address?

Mmmm, onions on that good Impossible Whopper…. Now I'm hungry right before I should go to bed.


Are you trans



No, just supplement your carnivorous diet with bull testicles.


Only after I ate the impossible whopper



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This hurt

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A very familiar scenario…


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>eastern character
>western reading order
>shit ironicweeb meme of the month


the order works either way


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This, it appears to be carefully constructed to appeal both to norms and weeabros

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