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File: 1578604929005.jpg (71.52 KB,629x900,FB_IMG_1578604316310.jpg) iqdb


Tragic but true…


that feeling when I can't call black people nigger on the internet anymore. this has been a negative change of massive proportion


this but unironically


File: 1578723061757.jpg (37.07 KB,512x384,1545623392030.jpg) iqdb

That image is retarded. The only things it can actually kind of be applied to are games and comics, both of which still have the old-style stuff in fucking spades if you know where to look.

Of course, this isn't about the hobby, it's about your ability to use it to define yourself. Because millennials for some inexplicable reason base their entire personalities around the media they consume


Anime is currently going through this


Big budget games movies succumb to it


That just means you're not looking hard enough.

As long as there is demand for something, no matter how immeasurably small that demand is, there will be people producing it. There's an entire industry built around drawing gay furry anal vore. If you can't find games and movies you like, I don't know what to tell you.

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