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14 posts and 9 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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Isara's so cute.


Yes, Isara is cute….



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You literally can't drive the tank out of this ditch

They actually tell you to get in these ditches. I got trolled by the developers.


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Teh beach episode


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That feel


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7 posts omitted. Click reply to view.



You wish homo


It's not homo to become a girl and fuck guys. It's only homo to become a girl and fuck girls.


Fuck trannies


shut the fuck up dani


Yeah you should.




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Holly fucking based



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my day has been terrible
how are you, /what/?
3 posts and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.


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not sure what is that supposed to mean, but here, you can have this Remi


That feeling of incarceration where no one is pushing you to succeed while codling you with free living




WHat's wrong with you?


Life sucks



I poop a lot.

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Shitty braveheart clip don't even click


Brave Heart is shitty propaganda William Walace was never like that.


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Better movie coming through




imagine if she was using a squat toilet in this scene

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never watched haruhi
maybe i should

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Women need a constant stream of positive reinforcement and empowerment messages to stave off their insecurity about being women otherwise their reality force field will collapse and they'll have to deal with the fact that they are weaker than men and are bad at math. It's called a reality bubble. If you question it they will ridicule you and remind you that they have a vagina and you can't have sex with it. Just ignore them and Disney products.

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epic pc reveal


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Oh, wow, I completely forgot that winxp came with wallpapers other than bliss.

I distinctly remember now that my mom had this wallpaper on her work laptop, I think that was the first time I ever used winxp. I played HOMM IV on it because I couldn't get it to run on the win98 computer we had.

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the last time /what/ died and got wiped someone posted this image and said something like "I made sure to save this post before /what/ died"
so I'm posting it again after seeing it in a folder so I can preserve the memory of that memory
thank you


File: 1575115582401.mp3 (11.32 MB,01-04 - White out.mp3)

here is a nice song for my old/what/ friendos

i hope you like it

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I really like the butterfly wallpaper they chose. a symmetrical wallpaper like that or a flower or something probably looks really nice due to the symmetry of opening it up.


The phone is a flop retard. The razr flip size is what they're gonna do from now on


I for one welcome the return of simplistic sturdy hardware

File: 1575100778944.zip (7.65 MB,mf-install.zip)




Virus don't click


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Just transferring Windows DLLs from my Windows 7 VM.

Untouched Windows 7 ISOs are really hard to get now, Microsoft won't let you download one without a product key.


just mount a drive into the vm dumb dumb


Jerkin to k-on, yuruyuri, kirino mosaic and such for the next hour if anyone is interested in trading and fapping


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Sure add me on Steam but you can only be my friend if you buy me games.

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Clean up after yourself and lick it off.


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you made her dirty


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Which one is you?


me on the left
/what/ on the right


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