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He checking out booty

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Very good choice, I wish it was easier to find around here.


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wish i could get drunk with some girls
it's been so long since i've drunk with someone, anyone
it's not as fun by yourself


I'm gonna get drunk with all my frens (who drink alcohol) and probably try to have sex with them too while i'm at it.


good luck


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drunk by myself again


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That's sexy but she should stop wasting wine.

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Damn that was Savage. I was scared he was gonna fall and twist his leg or have some horrific injury


ya he's badass for doing that with high heels


I think this video is hilarious but can anyone translate it?

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Privyet et es Miku


what's her channel, again?


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fuck slavshits


okay!! *fucks a slav*


I saw that link, but she looks a lot different in the thumbnails, almost Asian. I just assumed she was some consumerist blogger, so the idol videos confused me.

Also, the dark hallway behind her is very humanizing. She probably took that picture before bed. And the reason why she decided her career would be some Miku-obsessed nerd affection and sexual identity are just a consequence of the angst we all feel, so the darkness is very symbolic.

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9 posts and 2 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Triggered child rape justifying incel coomer


This is where crypto comes in


or should I say cums in? haha


Except it's really hard to buy crypto and any place that accepts debit cards wants your full info and a selfie picture.


You should've bought in 2015 and held


haha good one :)

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It's not too late

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We are born of the blood, made Fumo by the blood, undone by the blood. Fear the old blood. By the Gods Marisa, fear it.

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I thought this was a really long video at first.


it's not long, but it's very wide.

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it's a movie about whatmin


That's not a movie; it's a picture of a script potentially of a movie.


It was trash I mean real

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what is the zipper for?


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>what is the zipper for?


me me want hole

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Wharton they're already testing the emp false flag I need to protect my hard drives
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It's starting for real whatnot


Imma invest in fumos that should keep my money safe


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Richer than you Muhammed


Did you get those buttons ironically?


i have a splatoon themed switch case i really like but ive never actually played it I just liked the design


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Cute you should post it.

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Is this cg


no it's me irl


Cute boy


Please get rid of your tattoo and grow your hair longer

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This is triggering my childhood temporal lobe epilepsy aiws



When it happened time would go really fast or really slow, and things would be big or small or really far away or really gigantic. It might sound cool but it was terrifying as a child nothing was more scary than it sometimes it happened in my sleep its kind of like fever dreams but you're not sick and you're clear headed or something. Like your feet will be miles away once I was like a giant and everyone else was small or everything would be going fast it's the only things that scared me as a kid its line the feelinf the before a bad acid trip or a dark Kubrick movie


That kind of sounds like psychosis. It's interesting to think that you could attribute those systems to an actual chemical problem. Do you still experience that, or were you treated, or did you grow out of it?

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Not a chink shill, but you have to be literally retarded to believe /pol/ tier lies about China.

A team of chinese scientists under 30 just landed a rover on the dark side of the moon. They don't care about building 747s and impressing the world with their pedestrian travel plane engineering because they can just buy them. They care about technological advancement and pursuing accomplishments in the field of science and modern warfare. Who cares if they can't successfully brew whiskey that sells for $400 a bottle, they just buy that shit. It's this type of thinking which will lead to our downfall, and I wouldn't be surprised if China is pushing this sort of narrative. Yes a lot of their economy and society is fake and bullshit, but a lot of it ISN'T as well. Meanwhile, we're literally erasing the concept of meritocracy from the west.

Do you fucking understand how disastrous that will be? We're important trillions of niggers and getting rid of testing because niggers fail every test, and companies are being forced to hire 20% blacks and shit. Don't be a fucking retard.

Chinks won't develop and build infrastructure around things they can just buy. I'm a managing director at a pretty large design firm and let me explain something to you about reality: everyone fucking steals. If you can steal an idea legally and get away with it, you'd be an idiot not to do it. The dark reality about China is that while they do fucking steal everything and piss people off, they are also crushing us in certain technology sectors and biological research and genetic modification. They don't care if some fat nigger American thinks they're low class for failing to build a plane then buying a fleet of planes from germany… they are engaged in every kind of warfare while we go "hurr durr they can't even make good beer lmaooo"

Listening to poltards makes me think we are fucked.


No racism please

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