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ez clap


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damn, I loved this game

should've posted in my mero thread, it was up like half a year.


File: 1568489773774.webm (6.89 MB,1280x720,Dark Souls III 09.06.2017….webm) iqdb

probably my proudest moment


I just bought it, I have ds2 thread I think on old what

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merorin was here, you guys are faggots


literally who
sorry i'm new

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I fap in the workplace toilets regulary


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cheeky birls need to be cummed and put in their place


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/what/ - …
The Society for the Study of Hairy pOOsy


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Cute girl braids on the (presumably) cadets closest to the camera.
Funny video. I give it 4 buttes.

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Friendly greetings from https://spacechan.xyz/b/
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Name one imageboard that has never been advertised on other imageboards.


He's saying all imageboards are garbage


Indiscriminate and unsolicited are key words here. Also persistent.


I never really understood why people think advertising their sites on pretty much established communities is going to help them gather a userbase.


"Long-Ass List of Imageboards"

261 Imageboards
78 Text boards

Most of whom have never been caught shilling their sites.


fucking hell why is there so many rushits

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im playin FEAR for first time its pretty scary and i pause often

i get like 600fps on average and the lighting and psychics engine are A+

models and graphics are pretty dated but as a shooter its really fun, lots of unfamiliar weapons and has solid feel.

i have no idea what the story is about
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I thought about buying this during the Steam sale.

They force you to purchase all 3 games at once now.


I always thought fear looked like it had some very nice shooting mechanics, too bad I am incapable of playing horror games.


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ok i beat it, it was generally pretty creepy and had lots of surprises

my tip would be play on the lower difficulties if you dont like using slomo that much but i generally think it makes things look awesome


I played it without pausing once. If you think this is scary you should play Penumbra or Amnesia lmao.


I played amnesia and dropped it after 2 hours so idk
Didn't really do anything for me

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Actually pretty luck, first time I got 3 unique ssr


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This card kinda cool it sparkles in the menus


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Someone post this image here http://boards.4channel.org/int/thread/110911916 please I'm rangebanned from posting images

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bored and gay




post pics op


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what my pc recently fucked out
i suspect the power supply is faulty, just bought a new stick of ram because my first thought was that was the problem, i now dont believe it is so
it's pretty old now, like early '10s tech

im not really a gamer, but have no use for a laptop
but dont want a massive desktop, even though it would be most cost effective
i dont even have a desk
5 posts omitted. Click reply to view.


op here
all set up
decided to try linux mint
like usual most things work except some niggly details

the "file upload" selector in firefox only shows list view
is there a way to get firefox to use the file manager so i can set it to how i like?


Use your normal file manager and just drag/drop from that into the dialog.

I can even drag an image from the file manager to the firefox tab on the taskbar to focus firefox.


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op here
got windows 10 instead
it just werks


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can this be my home


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Your home sucks.


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what is your favorite mating spot?


the t-p toilet stall


my desk chair


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