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My brother bought GameStop stock a few weeks ago now he's a millionaire. Meanwhile my meme coins barely do anything. Wharton did you hear about this? Reddit is literally fighting back against the Jews and they won
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They are already spreading fake sec fud in the media now. But you have me scared


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Price hasn't dropped yet


sell your principal investment and let the profits ride in case there is a squeeze


Yeah I decided to do that today then hold the rest


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I put a sell order for 1000 so I can rub it in Wharton's face


Looks like the same as a pyramid scheme
Quick everyone, buy gamestop shares for free money! Just dont get caught holding the bag!

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whartsee i didn't sell

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I want to play pokeman snap




never played a pokemon game in my life


I've only played emerald and pokemon snap.

I have good memories of playing emerald as a kid though.

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Imagine her fucking your mouth with her feet


Feet does not have sex (footfags will debate this)

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Used in japan means some guy breathed on the box


You're in for a surprise. I advise you get a uv lamp.


i pay $900 for a whore that looks like that to fuck me


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Well spend 800 more and get the non cum version so you can cum on it first if it makes you fell better.

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I bet Lain is gonna buy some Takis because that's what all her friends eat.

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What bros that don't live in burger gentle slave plantation can you marry me in your country so I get citizenship? Or can I just buy citizenship


I live Vietnam you must be willing to eat snake hearts and fertilized chicken eggs if you want to live with me.


Actually legit

- whatmin


How do you know she's not using a VPN?

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Why is this in my Twitter recommendations wtf


Twitter is currently the worst website in the world


what dash ch dot mooo~ dot com


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it good. I like it


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How do these guys on dating apps literally just ask girls if they wanna fuck lol I can't do it


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I believe that's a Barret MRAD sniper rifle, used by SOCOM.


Actually I think it's not nevermind.

I assume they would cost like $70,000

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How realistic is fleeing the country to pay taxes? Will other countries not extradite me


There's plenty of countries that won't extradite to the US at all, or only if you did something horrible, not like tax evasion.

You can look up lists of countries that don't extradite, just don't google it, use yandex or startpage or something.

Obviously, Russia, China, and the middle eastern countries that hate America.

But also some pacific islands and otherr Asian countries are pretty strongly independent.

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