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File: 1582349799960.mp3 (7.65 MB,darkseid demo mix.mp3)




imagine having a baby just as part of rich dude's pr campaign to appear cool with the kids

she's likely getting zero out of it

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Oh shit I'm so high on melatonin bros

dude melatonin lmao


feel fucked after a good day in the sun
all that vitamin d


Hope you wore sunscreen.


not as much as i should
from bending over working my pale white backside was exposed and burnt, peeled slightly a week later and became is now brown

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Wtf why is racism so normal to zoomers
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Worse, webm best and sometimes I download mp4 but these all look like virus


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classic schizo nig


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I love being non-white, if I was I'd look like an old creep like you guys


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Cringe, everybody knows idolization is better than participation




I have to be in a relationship for that to apply lol


No you don't


You literally have to be married to be a cuckold.


No you don't. Every time a women gives birth and it's not yours, you are being cuckolded

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omg 2014 and earlier jp and ghost were the funniest thing on the internet im crying
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warosu howl of nostalgia





I DRIVE. It's only part time.




I always loved this guys videos but then he made a mean bully video of me so I hate him I think he's the Brazilian

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Go back there.


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well, fuck you


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it just redirects me to cloudflare when i try posting


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Yes unfortunately the friendly admin of "omnichan" has decided to start spamming it.

He is mad I deleted his advertisement threads.

Big shoutout to omnichan!



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the moment you realize literally everything is better in japan. It usually goes like each country has pros and cons but not with japan
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Japan is a nuclear radiation disaster. The US government used Japan to test out their weapons and the Fukushima incident was Chernobyl all over again.


its cons are that they're slaves to their state
your average gook couldn't even buy that car
it costs me less than half a weeks wages to keep my vehicle legal for a year
and i can buy anything i want


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Ok schizo


Have you ever actually looked at a japanese used car site? Their cars are cheap as fuck. It literally costs three times as much the same car in my eurocunt and they have about 2-3 times higher wages.


they drive those shitty kei cars because of favorable licensing and costs
lots of 90s high end cars coming into the country now to be driven by bogans and teens
i always thought that was funny

look at this thing lel



That's amazing and terrible at the same time. Euros had the Passat G60, ofc rare shit
I meant simple shit btw, global models and such

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How am I toxic



Left a dislike


Didn't even click it.


Good thank you


Hah, i clicked it faggot, what you gonna do about it?


Haha you got reverse psychology owned retard lmao

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Really conflicted about Riamu, on paper she's everything that I like but there's something that doesn't click for me to fully embrace her.
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she does the maki う゛え


how do i get reincarnated as a bed post


get reincarnated as a chad


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what a whore (cute)


ur mums a whore


true (sad)

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Having someone go from using the -kun suffix to the -chan suffix while filling me up sounds really nice.


Fuck off homosexual pedophile


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i felt like this but my nipples when i was trying orgasm from somewhere else


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>14.6 MB


bro this is a man

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Haha I kinda want both, but more so DOOM Eternal


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