[ what / sjis / test-php ]

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File: 1582125858308.mov (2.23 MB,trim.5F34BAC6-0C3A-41ED-86….MOV)


Wtf why is racism so normal to zoomers


File: 1582125984940.mov (2.52 MB,trim.5F179089-E487-4D38-99….MOV)

There so many Indians in Tik tok


File: 1582126128519.mov (1.95 MB,trim.4140F38E-D98A-4F4B-A3….MOV)



File: 1582126508056.mov (1.73 MB,trim.2DAE0C5B-5E47-430E-BD….MOV)

I want a wolf


File: 1582126536737.mov (3.81 MB,trim.2E93814C-3FBD-4B5E-84….MOV)

Wow she's just like me!


Do you drink desi daru?


File: 1582127472548.mov (1.81 MB,trim.CD0C80A8-A6AB-4A55-82….MOV)

Damn she bad af


File: 1582128494651.mov (1.89 MB,trim.73AF4725-FED7-4C1E-B3….MOV)



File: 1582129126507.mov (11.81 MB,trim.0AE7CDFE-9477-4740-B3….MOV)



File: 1582129402201.mov (1000.35 KB,trim.CE831F94-1980-4ED7-BD….MOV)



File: 1582129636467.mov (4.11 MB,trim.9BE35FD1-A440-4057-9D….MOV)

I felt that


File: 1582138288593.mov (1.16 MB,trim.550ABF2B-AC0E-43E9-94….MOV)



Curry head lol


File: 1582176168481.mov (8.32 MB,trim.5019291D-8D67-4123-97….MOV)



I won't open these


You won't ever open a girls legs either


I like to think no one here is dumb enough to open pajeets viruses.


I hacked you anyway cracker


Pretty dank feels my niggers


File: 1582208748886.mov (4.61 MB,trim.1857AE39-73B3-4C38-8A….MOV)


File: 1582209243181.mov (1.11 MB,trim.A7EEABE6-6F6B-4C0A-8B….MOV)

How dare she


File: 1582210471442.mov (2.19 MB,trim.39638B7D-9300-4F20-96….MOV)



File: 1582210650341.mov (5.63 MB,trim.6B21B2DA-01DB-49F3-B5….MOV)

This is so powerful


Who the fuck still uses .mov files? Are we in the 90s again?


File: 1582222135421.mov (1.5 MB,trim.132DA812-870A-4C12-AA….MOV)

Most Boomer post of the year right here


Pill me on the benefits of using mov


That's cray cray my nigger


File: 1582237766999.mov (1.59 MB,trim.9824C2D8-84B3-41DA-8F….MOV)


File: 1582237879958.png (69.3 KB,500x500,1577847863550.png) iqdb

You might lose your virginity


Just wanna point out that .mov is only a container format. Some modern digital cameras pack their >100 Mbps 4K video into a .mov container for convenience.


File: 1582243832339.mov (2.21 MB,trim.3C15FA95-1DC1-40E5-A6….MOV)

Feel with me what Bros


I can't. My browser can't even play these files.


Okay but is it better or worse than other formats


Wtf why


File: 1582301006272.jpg (477.56 KB,2400x3394,71961401_p0.jpg) iqdb

Worse, webm best and sometimes I download mp4 but these all look like virus


File: 1582301994541.mov (12.89 MB,trim.E1686B2F-667C-4063-AB….MOV)


classic schizo nig


File: 1582311955688.mov (2.35 MB,trim.8599AFA0-F217-4CB2-A8….MOV)

I love being non-white, if I was I'd look like an old creep like you guys


File: 1582312321714.mov (890.93 KB,trim.B8DA75E6-CAED-4EEC-9B….MOV)



File: 1582313424911.mov (1.62 MB,trim.C4B589D9-3920-418E-9E….MOV)


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