[ what / sjis / test-php ]

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Is this you OP?


jesus christ im so thankful i never got into anal shit, especially with my femdom fetish, my ashole would be destroyed right now just from bananas and dildos from watching femdom strap on porn


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Fake or the guy is a closet fag


supercute, i miss my bf.


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When /what/ is being naughty.


what's the appeal of receiving anal? isn't it like pooping?


Triggers a dry orgasm that can't be done in any other way and feels entirely different than a normal one.


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Having someone go from using the -kun suffix to the -chan suffix while filling me up sounds really nice.


Fuck off homosexual pedophile


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i felt like this but my nipples when i was trying orgasm from somewhere else


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>14.6 MB


bro this is a man

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[ what / sjis / test-php ]