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does it include trans men


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No those are women

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Everyone knows otaku are pedos. Idk about europe isn't it different now. Aren't democrats saying it's creepy to pursue teenagers now. Idk dude I think you're just trying to find the evil pedos to justify your pedophilia desires to harm children


Lmao what even is this diarrhea of a post? Justify? Why? There isn't any need too.
>the evil pedos
Ah yes how could I forget the kind good hearted pedos lost in the mix.
>democrats saying
My child politicians lie.
>europe isn't it different now.
What a wonderous reality you live in I'm not going to bother tackling that remark go ask google yourself.


Europe laws are old I don't think its socially acceptable. Its like how Japan age of consent is 13 but you don't see anyone in the culture accepting it. However with the gays you have all of you sexualizing obviously young boys like the op pic and example all the young boys posted on this board. Milo yannopolos talked about wanting a teenage boy you guys use the excuse that they are horny and want it to manipulate and abuse them. You are a pedophile and most homosexuality is the result of child sexual abuse.

Basically your argument is" well these other evil people are pedos so it's OK for me to be one too! Also you calling evil billionaires evil means you're saying some pedos are good! Now let me post drawn pictures of 13 year old boys! Its OK because they're going thru puberty and want it!"


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Pedo child predator


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Put a bullet through your ugly incel skull tardcelmin.
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Don't bully whatmin she is doing her best…


Shut up homo


what part of that bloated carcass is considered a she


Is he fat? I'm starting to think he is since he would accept literally any female no matter how hideous


Whatmin isn't fat, and stop misgendering me.

- not whatmin


I can't get over this photo. I really want a gf just like her.

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whatmin start hosting what on a cluster of Celerons



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post yfw whatmin is killed by me


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Me performing edo tensei on whatmin to make him run whatchanneru on his shitbox

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I knew that was Kero Kero Bonito which is IMO the most cringe band to ever exist

But there was some sort of remix hard-carrying that.

And it took me a long time to find this but yes, it's "マクロスMACROSS 82-99" which I know makes some decent music mocking 70s and 80s Japanese funk.


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should i buy a soyitch and play animal crossing
do you think i can use it to meet a nice girl?


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Thanks I hate that picture.

>do you think i can use it to meet a nice girl?

No, but you can meet girls on Animal Crossing that eat potato chips and wipe it on their sweatshirt, and lick tupperware lids on stream.


she looks like a nice girl that has been corrupted by streaming

in the 90s she would have read novels and played myst or something

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I need a profile picture for school, but I'm an ugly neet. Please help.

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I am a self sabotaging fuckwit and I've ruined my life


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haha welcome to /what/ brother


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Watermelon nigga





Oh ok

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>This girl steals Nancy Pelosi's laptop and wants your help to sell it to Russia

What do?


call her a troon and see what happens.

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Everyone hates me


I don't hate you


Just kidding, we all hate you.



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I actually really like this Dreadout game.

Got it for $3 on sale.
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The only Indonesian game that exists btw.


Is it like silent Hill


It's like Fatal Frame and Silent Hill yes


I really like her facial expresisons
This looks like a ps2 era japanese horror game, but its Indonesian.


I saw Filipino(probably) movie that reminded me a lot of the first Ringu. Are jungle asians taking o classic j-horror now?


I want her to humiliate my 6.5 inch micro penis

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Sigh. The story he told about how people bullied and threw shit at him when he was at rock bottom hit me it reminds me of when I was homeless. Its like people like you guys but irl. Really reminds you if you're weak people well stomp yo you into the dirt. I try to remember the people who were kind to me when I was homeless but the bullies are so traumatic to even think about

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What the fuck man. I'd love a Mado plush but why did they put a seam on her face like that. Looks like she's got 5 o clock shadow


It looks like ass, that seam is the smallest problem


Ok bro we know you're jealous you don't have a mado plushie it's ok.


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I don't have any anime merch at all


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Is she going to do this everyday until I like it?

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