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No worth to be found here.


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drown yourself freak!!!!!!!!!

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How does the left successfully gaslight theories that the media influences people's beliefs
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Tell the story my guy



When I was 17 I ran with a small gang in my town. It was a Mexican gang, I had a lot friends involved in that lifestyle in one way or another. One night they were gathering as many people as possible to war with the rival gang across town, who was doing the same. So we drove in four vanloads of people to the meet up spot. We were armed with baseball bats, glass bottles, clubs, shanks, ect. No guns though. We were doing this old school. We ended up fighting at the meet up spot with mobs of members. A bunch of cars got their windows broken during the melee. The cops came and everybody that could stand made a run for it or sped off in awaiting cars. I ended up getting pulled over in the van I was in. I got jailed for a couple months because I just turned 18. Jail really wasn't that bad, got to workout, learned how to play chess, dominoes, and drink jailhouse wine. The racial politics are still in play though so there's certain rules you got follow…Got out, went on probation for two years, got off and stayed out of trouble ever since.


That's really based are you alpha? How many girls have you fucked


I fucked a few girls in high school and a older woman.


How do you make money now



I work as a garbage man.

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Why do some funposts on this forum get deleted while others remain?


Wharfing is a retard


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I'm afraid that's not a satisfying answer.


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There's nothing more to say he's just dumb dum

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This is literally lain music anime what related retard
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Put a bullet through your fucking skull incel



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Discord tranny brony literally you



Bronys still exist? lol


The good old days /jp/ meetup



Is the dude on the far left pnig

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Le pixelated art xD CHIPTUUUUUUNES


comfy af, now I need some chill music…


can I recommend so lofi hip hop beats to relax/study to?




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Boy I really hope soijacks go away.

I don't want to be seeing soijacks in 2022.
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Do you think slavery and the holocaust were morally reprehensible or not. Can you express a point of view critical of neoliberalism without coming off as a Trumpcuck or Nazi?


Lol there were a lot more reprehensible shit that happened in humanity


There is a great pol infographic that explains the origin of companies like MacMillan McGraw hill (our public school textbooks) and their bonds with literal Rothschild bankers and the companies and how they're all owned by Jewish families


But you're right slavery is reprehensible and since it's the most evil thing in American history I think Americans should know about it. Even as a teen I was always confused at how Hitler was the biggest bad when there are other dictators from his time even that killed way more people


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>There is a great pol infographic


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Lol I was gonna link this. Glad to see someone liked her cuz when I posted her Britney Spears toxic dance years ago you all called her a whore

I haven't watched the whole thing cuz I'm busy with discharging but my favorite is still the one where she's wearing blue she's looks so fucking fit there and I love it


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She's under MK ULTRA


She's so fit and cute when she has the ponytail in the blue bro


I just realized, why isn't there porn of Tifa cuckolding Cloud with Barrett?


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you may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like
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Rangers Lead The Way?


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these mission were ok, i guess the pants you get are cool


When you skip upper body day




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God I want her to choke me with her thighs

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Whereon literally everyone hates me even my relatives now it kinda hurts


wow who could hate such a nice guy, beats me


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This is what my ex did to me

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Ahhhh whatmins I'm gonna do LSD soon


hope you slip and hurt your posting finger but only just a little bit, okay?


What an ass whole

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