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i miss being a dxm chugging benzo addict hikki degen

not really actually

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When you think she will kokuhaku already but she just shows you her rare pepe collection

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How the fuck did they nail this remake so well? All the odds were against them. FF13, FF15, both sucked absolute donkey shit in the plot AND gameplay department. But here they're making the first act of FF7 a fully fledged game worth 2 Blu-Ray discs, the combat actually seems decent, there will be tons of micro-cutscenes and conversations to fill longer levels like the trainyard, purportedly the game will open up with a ton of shit to do near the end and the game even SURVIVED a bit of development hell.

How the fuck did they do it despite their utter mediocrity in the past decade?

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is her bare butt on the chair


Why are you interested in buying a gamer girl chair?


I'm going squirt poo on it!


What's your disability?


*furiously squirts poo into your face*

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Me in the middle




dudes so mald

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> Old women emulating zoomer thots

and they wonder why no guy wants to stick his dick in them


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There is no Asian males here that you're gonna piss off.


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Sigh with me whatmins

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They also haven't mentioned any symptoms or given any advice beyond hygiene

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>Offers to spit in your mouth for free
What do?


Check genitals and accept.


What's the point of checking genitals if you're just going to accept anyway?

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37 posts and 6 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


>who never accomplished anything
Joke's on you, I reached 500 subscribers on my youtube channel recently.




Hell no, I don't want anyone to know I post here.


why not? then they'd know what a toxic POS scumbag of a human being you are?





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Thanks now I can jerk it


That face is very androgynous if it wasn't for the boobs I would call her a boy.


That's just because you're used to looking at traps and other gay shit that gets posted on /what/.

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describe your ideal imageboard
11 posts and 4 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.



I am posting in this /cgl/ bread


Posting on /jp/ in 2010 was strange but interesting. I remember when the board was unmoderated. Then puddi puddi wars started and that was the end of that. I remember the first rumblings of "Trevor" in 2011. Warasou community was forming, the War against Janny and the great exodus to other /jp/ spinoffs in 2012. So many have come and gone. A few have probably even killed themselves. So many have faded away..

It's only time

"Together or not together these are the last of those dreamlike days"..


she bad




Oh my freshing God I remember puddi pudding iw ass in college and that's the semester I failed and became atruneet wow OMG remember all the span before captcha lol


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I miss wakachans DQN board and everything else damn those Russian bots ruining it.

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