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whatmin you were right i had a mommygf that literally took care of me financially and had femdom sex with me and i left her and now susffer in h9omelessness and virginity


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Whatmins can I eat a pizza I bought yesterday afternoon and have left out all this time? It's been like 36 hours


Yes unless you're a pussy afraid of B.cirius


what thats not gonna happen i just warm it up and the microwave kills the bacteria

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I've been having diarrhea non-stop for days




Literally how did you trigger that autoban?
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if it's ggDOTgg then that would match ggggg and ggngg and ggtgg and gg8gg but not gggg


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see whatmin you're wrong


I knew this I just said it wrong.

Yes "ggXgg" would have triggered the ban, where X is literally anything including g.




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>I knew this
yeah ok lmao

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I saw this meme on Reddit

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gamer dad

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monster cock world


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this quest is like a joke now


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actually dumb fatty


where are the cocks
those sunglasses look ultra lame

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imagine your face in


i would not imagine , as i am not a faggot


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nopan day should be a national holiday


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There is nothing good in nopan when you can already see her being a slut from far


This guy was redpilled on ram

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shut up and worship it incelmin


where is the fishnet stocking

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>investing thousands of hours into learning a whole new language that is completely different from any other language out there just so you can watch insectoid cartoons for horny teenagers

You should get a brain transplant.
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You'd be another creepy white incel


They have the term "loser back home".


Shameless lol


What's the Japanese word for curry nigger?



kare niga


Watashi wa
カレーニガー dess

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6 posts and 6 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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you have to post it with the "was it a power move" text you tardmonkey


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I literally had dreams like this when I first started puberty


Fuck maybe I was always a sub

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rate my gf



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mommy non nmymfffflomfmmffffffmfmff


neck yourself femdom FREAK


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