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There's no NEET pride left in this world, I remember it being bragged about on old /jp/.

Maybe on the Japanese boards there is?


Most of those NEETS that used to brag about it are either dead,lost their minds,homeless or were forced into getting a job.

Besides being a NEET is something that normies or gamers do nowadays for a couple years.


A lot of the old /jp/ userbase has moved on.

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One day I will dox you racist fucks
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Lol the sad thing is that ugly fuck probably gets more pussy than you nigga🤭


Your day is coming white cracker


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Is that a 8-chan reference omg


no, yomi predates 8ch


I want to fuck Yomi and share my seed with the poor


yomi doesn't want your bougie seed


this only adds to the fun..


Does yomi predate on 8channers tho

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im angery


hi angery im dad


wakako is not a racist piece of shit delete this image this moment


Lol my dad made these jokes


Nigger seethes


Kill yourself



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I want to pin down a whatfriend like this and rape him
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do you want him to squeal and writhe around and try to get away?


yes, his laughably ineffectual attempts to get away would further inflame my lust and spur on my prodigious and merciless thrusting


This post is sponsored by thesaurus.com


Prodigious doesn't fit


god i wish that was me (on the bottom)



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She turns me on so much
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As someone who has tried using an iPhone for a month I just don't understand why people like it so much. It just felt like an Android phone with less features.


Well what do you expect, I'm a schizo, my babysitter used to rape me when I was a kid and I secretly licked my mom when she was sleeping. I only get boners to scat and I like to look at blonde girls who look like Elsa in the park.


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Yikers bro, you should probably kill yourself. You're replying to posts that aren't even yours you're losing it so badly lol
It's because I had to buy a cheap phone after my android broke and didn't want a slow chink android and there was an iphone on sale. I will go back to android soon. But I would take an iPhone over a cheap/old Android any day, old androids run slow as shit and old iphones still run smooth. Also normies think you're normal and cool if you use one.


>You're replying to posts that aren't even yours

yeah that's what non-schizos generally do , retardo


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Why is the webm supposed to be bad?

He probably looks better with a straight buzz cut.

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tardmin did you know p4golden is casualized for normies and the ps2 is the better version


oh no rumia looks so concerned for cirno but she doesn't even know whats reimu is gonna do


She's in on it and feels nervous


what's in the box?
糞銭 makes little sense…

bullshit money?

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i can't believe you thouight i wanted you to beat the boss for me yous tupdi fuck. what kingd of retar are you? the entire reason to play dark souls is the sense of accomplishment dopamine/serotonin hit i get when i beat something.

tbh i haven't been this into a game since i was like a teen, feels good to have the desire to play a game for the gameplay again
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Cope virgin




I had sex when I was fifteen with a hot adult woman and you're still jacking off to anime


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Too bad I'm retard where's my mommy girlfriend I'm such a CIA nigger picking up ds1 in 2020 KEKW


I'm gonna get a regular gf and I'm smarter than you


prove it

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vaporwave bread


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File: 1595010229926.mp3 (6.59 MB,06 Okinawa Zanpamisaki Roy….mp3)

06 Okinawa Zanpamisaki Royal Hotel- Welcome Video 1999.mp3


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Sigh with me nigga


The 20s are gonna be epic can't wait to execute libertarian cuckolds

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Why is she so perfect

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I doxed whatmin
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Here he is again


She looks very uncomfortable and scared guess the guy didn't pay her enough to fake a smile as well.


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Did you not see herfake smile in the first picture?


It's a very uncomfortable and scared-looking fake smile.


T. Virgin


god i wish that were me

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this pic is how i feel i my adhd borderline schizo breaks or when i was about to have a temporal lobe seizure as a kid


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Repost the funny pic I didn't save it


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Nutted but she still sucking


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Racist beta incel

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