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We have to find this guy's deli.


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I appreciate the first one the rest are sort of meh


ironic weebs need to die

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shake my hand


too gay even for /what/


oh shit I'm sorry


Sorry for /what/?


How can it be gay when there's only one birl?

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i just got this when i opened /what/ what the heck do i do /what/bros


control alt delete


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Close out the notepad window because it's fake and gay.


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he means you saved it from a chan


not necessarily also I'm not who you think I am


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Mystery niggas

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fucking based

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/what/ on the couch

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Cumming to patchy's fat tits and untrained chub


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uwa-fuwa fuwa-fuwa fuwa-fuwari kuru-kuru kuru-kuru kuru-kuru mawaru no fuwa-fuwa fuyo-fuyo fuwa-fuwari kururu kuru-kuru fuwa-fuwa tobidashita no yaho-yaho fuyo-fuyo-fuyo fueri atama poyo-poyo fuwa-fuwari tobidasu yo fuyo-fuyo-fu wafu-wafu fuwa-fueri atama fuwa-fuwa fuwa-wafu-wa tobidasu yoz fuwari-fuwari fuwa-wa fuwa-fuwa fuwa-wa fuwa-wa fuwa-fuwa fuwa-fuwa atama ga fueru fue atama fue-fueru fuyo-fuyo yo fueru fue-fueru eru-eru fueru fuwa-fuwa fuwari-fuwa atama atama tobidasu pyon-pyon-pyon koro-korogaru korogaru korogaru-taru tarura tarura yura-yura-yuraro to atama dake ike ni dobon’ atama dake ike ni dobon’ urara atama dake ike ni dobon’ mata atama dake ga ike ni jabu-jabu atama dake ga ike ni dobon’ atama dake ga ike ni shizun’deku atama dake ga ike ni dobon’ awawa iki ga dekinai sainara puku-puku-puku puka-puka-pukari atama puki-puka-pike-kapo samayotte mimi tsutsukarete itai no choi-cho-cho-cho puka-puka chiku-chiku pururun’-furun’ furueru no pukari pukari fuwawa fuwa-fuwa fuwa-wa fuwa-wa fuwa-fuwa fuwa-fuwa atama ga fueru fue atama fue-fueru fuyo fuyoyo fueru fue-fueru eru-eru fueru fuwa-fuwa fuwari-fuwa atama atama tobidasu pyon-pyon-pyon tobi tobidasu tobidashi tobidashimasu fuwa-fuwa fuwa-wa fuwa sora tobu


That's my second name, man


Nasty Nas

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hello this is my first post on /what/ thank you my name is Anonymous by the way


Hello Anonymous

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ᵘʷᵘ oh fwick ᵘʷᵘ ᵘʷᵘ ᵘʷᵘ ᵘʷᵘ ᵘʷᵘ ᵘʷᵘ ᵘʷᵘ ᵘʷᵘ fwick sowwy gwuys ᵘʷᵘ ᵘʷᵘ ᵘʷᵘ ᵘʷᵘ ᵘʷᵘ ᵘʷᵘ sowwyy im dwopping ᵘʷᵘ my uwus all over the ᵘʷᵘ pwace ᵘʷᵘ ᵘʷᵘ ᵘʷᵘ sowwy




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post mikasa


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Yesterday a trap sucked me off and that was the best thing in my entire life


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nico looks jealous


I would suck Nico off in a fit of non-homosexuality if she presented me the opportunity myself.


nico is a girl…


Me and whatmin on the bed


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Rate my girlfriend.

She's retarded and autistic.


is this what modern gaymes look like
reminds me of unreal tournament but with a bunch of annoying shit all over the screen


I only noticed some whore is talking after watching a few minutes of gameplay, I thought you meant Mercy as your waifu
All the extra shit was related to the battle itself, you can have that much HUD on a UT battle itself


why do girls do this


bad thread as always dani keep up the bad work


sometimes a girls pussy aches really bad so her friendo kisses it better


i think its a way of transferring essential bacteria

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cummed big
15 posts and 11 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


what's wrong??


cummed good


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he didnt cummed


I did though


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proof it


I did. I was just surprised some people can't see how great Kuroneko is. She's top tier

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