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Agiri's voice actor was arrested for Cocaine.

Did they know she used drugs when they made this anime? It would make sense.

Surprisingly as anti-drug as Japan is, they dropped the charges, because she was already socially punished enough.


it's because she's female. females literally play life on easy modo

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my japanese roommate told me this

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Want doll gf
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Whbe you realize the daki is just a rectangle shape it gets boring


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What's your commission


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plate of tendies


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I heard it in my head.


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Kinda miss vaporwave.


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"Beer on the rug"

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whatmin im a lazy fuck who doesn't even bother organizing my files on my deskto9p or folders and is too lazy to even properly set up extensions on firefox.

what is better for me, ubuntu or linux? remember i am lazy and don't like doing work
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I haven't but it shouldn't have malware.

>what do i do
Research and make your own decision? Nobody's forcing you to do anything, and if you pick a distro you don't like it takes like an hour to install a new one. (put your /home on a different partition than root to make re-installs easier)

Most games run slightly worse on linux but some run better and usually it's just a few fps difference. Some games won't even start though so there's that.

If you use steam check protondb.com for specific games


>>75854318 (OP)
It’s basically just for hipsters who want to feel cool for using a distro and think using Arch is cool (it’s not) but are too fucking retarded to read the Arch install guide.

Manjaro is a shit show of a distro run by idiots which explains why they looked at the inherently less stable rolling release model of Arch and decided to build a worse Linux Mint on it.


install gentoo


Manjaro is a derivative of Arch Linux, which is the main distribution for homosexuals.
The reason this is being pushed is the same reason that homosexuality is being pushed through Hollywood onto the rest of the world.
>t. /pol/


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Get a Chromebook I got one for my mom so she's not windows or apple pilled anymore

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Richard Stallman about defending pedophilia:

"The nominee is quoted as saying that if the choice of a sexual partner were protected by the Constitution, "prostitution, adultery, necrophilia, bestiality, possession of child pornography, and even incest and pedophilia" also would be. He is probably mistaken, legally–but that is unfortunate. All of these acts should be legal as long as no one is coerced. They are illegal only because of prejudice and narrowmindedness."

RMS on June 28th, 2003 https://stallman.org/archives/2003-mar-jun.html


"I am skeptical of the claim that voluntarily pedophilia harms children. The arguments that it causes harm seem to be based on cases which aren't voluntary, which are then stretched by parents who are horrified by the idea that their little baby is maturing. "

RMS on June 5th, 2006) https://stallman.org/archives/2006-mar-jun.html#05%20June%202006%20(Dutch%20paedophiles%20form%20political%20party


" There is little evidence to justify the widespread assumption that willing participation in pedophilia hurts children.
Post too long. Click here to view the full text.


The problem is kids are easily manipulated. The legal 20 year old dating the rich 60 year old is also disgusting btw


why is that disgusting? how is a 20 year old retarded enough to not know what they want? if theyre horny and want sex from the older person what's the issue


Have you ever talked to someone younger than yourself? You'll realize it quickly. experience comes with age. education is no substitute


yeah that's why it took me to my late 20s to realize how much i was taken advantage of when i was 15 after i see how retarded teens are at that age as an adult


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MDR posting lewds


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India has arranged marriages, ensuring even the biggest incels have wives.

Would you be happy with this type of practice? Keep in mind many of the women are not going to be as hot as you imagine.


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Any pussy is better than no pussy, so absolutely yes.


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>Any pussy is better than no pussy

why do you believe this? don't put pussy on a pedestal


I'm an idealist so no


i can actually get an arranged marriage if i wanted but it's the most shameful pathetic thing for me as an american and most indian women are ugly


Arranged marriages happen in wealthy circles.


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i love her


Is Rose from Iceland?


i thought she was from england whered you get that idea


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Pic looks like Iceland idk.


She has that magical light blonde fairy hair and blue eyes and pure pale skin so she might be

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I enjoyed this video

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Boys in maid outfits. Thoughts?


how are they supposed to serve food on their knees or bent over?





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we are all going to die and go back to god so why are we here now whatming

are you sure it's even a test? test for what this world has no meaning


if god is all-knowing then why does he have to test us anyway? doesn't he already know what the outcome is?


yeah i think we chose to come here and stray from god and find our own ways, become god ourselves. good is just as necessary as evil. meaning you can do horrible evils and it doesn't matter

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Do you agree?


I like both.

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I almost went into full fledged schizophrenia in my early 20s then again in my late 20s. Sometimes the feeling comes back, it's like when you watch a Kubrick movie or just took acid and know a dark trip is coming. I'm feeling it right now but I have been the most mentally stable ever recently.


ok schizo


can you describe it

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Only if I can be like Juliet Starling

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