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God hates fags


God hates everyone. That's why there's so much pain and suffering in the world.


He loves Chad's and foids

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She's about to be rape

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Islam is the only religion that hasn't been corrupted yet


It's been corrupted by the CIA and mossad and Saudis for decades you retarded mouth breather. Kill yourself.

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Text me baby


If anyone wants to know how this ends, they actually get up and continue drinking together like friends.


Yeah right he got beat up for acting like a what homo


It's annoying me that I can't find the full stream anywhere.

They were both drunk and basically challenged each other to a fight.

The other guy won obviously, and definitely took it too far, but they both sat back up and continued drinking.

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If it doesn't say straight whiskey, in America that could mean it's 80% vodka, 20% whiskey, aged in used oak barrels, with added flavorings.

Straight whiskey means it's 100% straight whiskey, even if it's a blend of other straight whiskeys (but they must come from the same state), and that it's aged at least 2 years in new oak barrels, with no flavorings or additives.

Straight bourbon means the same, except it's made from at least 51% corn, and if it's aged less than 4 years, it must have a label telling you it's age.

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wow whatmin is a homo
10 posts and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.


I got annoyed and kept moving away. Then she gave up and started doing it to this straight chill black dude who was tripping hard and being all friendly to me and everyone around us. The guy thought she was a girl and started passionately kissing and touching her/him and she grabbed his dick. Eventually his friend told him it was a dude and the poor guy looked shocked and horrified and just left the show


Was the straight chill black dude Fatlip?


Cool guy he keeps it real



I fuck with it


Who am I kiddin who am I fooling when they be like "what's up fatlip" and I say coolin

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5 posts and 2 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


why don't they speak their own language



I saw someone do it on a normie YouTube video on tinder and she replied so it worked


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It worked on another one


post the video


niggha i dont remember not about to go thru hundreds of videos in my youtube history to find it

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My mom is such a BITCH


>no human is illegal
But they can do illegal things, like steal things or kill people or cross borders.


The idea of nations countries and laws is unnatural you bluepilled boomer.


The only law the law of God


>The idea of nations countries and laws is unnatural
So is the internet and the device you're using to read this ;)


No shit what's your point,???

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merorin was here, you guys are faggots


thanks for replying you fucking n*ggers


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Sorry no one bumped your mermomen ad thread

If you paid /what/min for ad space I bet he'd sticky it.




wow i bet that feels great


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is this a photo of you?

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Living the dream


Nice toned leg muscles bro, you work out?


legit jealous tbh


Is that Henri?

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