story of my life from every community i've been a part of since i was 7. i did occasionally have these weird bonds, like in first grade i became best friends with this girl in my class and all the other kids hated me.
she hated me too at first, i honestly don't remember how we became best friends, i just remember we always sat across from each other and both of us would say really mean things to each other so much the teacher would constantly make us both pull cards, i guess we were tsundere cuz eventually me and her were just best friends loike best firends, she was so lyal to me that like it was us against the rest ofthe class. i remember at recess it would literlly be me and her against the rest of the kids playing this game that was like tag with bases or something, i remember my dumbass trying to tag a student and i fell and scraped up my whole arm and leg and started crying and she got really mad at the kid and was like I'M TELLING ON YOU and then she went back with me to the classroom and helped put band aids on it and another kid who wasn't even in my class helped me, he was my best friend in kindergarten but not in my class in first grade. he looked like sam hyde big dude, like fat but "big" you wouldn't fuck with him. he was never in my class after kindergarten but i remember he scared away bullies that were trying to beat me up until they stopped bullying me cuz he would always defend me.
both of them moved out of my neighborhood after that so i never really had any friends. i remember i kidn of had semi friends a little bit, i remembdr this one kid in fifth grade when everyone hated me even the teachers had assigned seat next to me and he became kind of friends with me, i remember we were in line walking back from lunch and me and him were talking and another kid said to him "dude why are you taling to{me} he's a loser" and the kid said "BECAUSE HE'S MY FRIEND" then the guy shut up and stopped saying mean things about me.
i guess not everyone hated me, but most did and the ones who kinda liked me only did cuz i was assigned next to them or something and i grew on them idk
i rememer in third grade gifted summer school me and this girl became best friends, i can't even remember her name, i just remember my gifted teacher i had all through elementary school that hated me for being an annoying immature ADD nerd seemed to think i was simping or inceling for her but i wasn't, didn't have a crush on her she was just my friend tht looked out for me
>>27867>>27868what anime is this from and does it have any ecchi loli (thats japanese for sexy girl)
>>27871the schizo's miserable life
i looked her and him up online and she has a nice job working with animals and i think she got married and seems happy, and the dude who defended me against bullies still kind of looks like sam hyde, a non sociopathic asshole version of sam hyde, he had a blog where he talks abuot philosopical shit and seems like a loner kind of nice guy, not an incel or anything toxic, just that quiet kind of guy who reads a lot