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Merorin was here.
Just want you guys to know that whatmin actually send me a friend request in steam we are best friends now.


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I'm friends with all the admins except trevor


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no friends


You have whatmins steam?
Share it. I want to brush up my Italian


Whatmin(otamin) isn't real person


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Yeah ota has only been moderated by GENUIS system for the past 6 years


why does meromin try so hard to be relevant, he constantly has to remind people that his site actually exists and yet no one posts on it in the end besides his boyfriend

I bet the fact that I've even bothered to make a post about it even if it's in a negative light is going to be the highlight of the month for him, it's so embarrassing




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Sad but true. I just want to have friends.


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tough luck sucker have fun dying alone

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