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I will gladly accept a 1/10 fat ugly gf.


Literally how ugly are you? Serious question.

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Whatmins we are literally in hell by existing in this realm can't you feel it. We are already in hell we don't have to wait for death


femdom freak!

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I'm playing BoTW for the first time.

I started on Master Mode, and it seems very questionable.

I can't even damage basic enemies to half-health without breaking a weapon.

It makes combat unfeasible at least until I get some more abundant weapons.


maybe you should accept that you suck at video games adn go back to easy modo


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Doesn't matter how good you are, you literally just have to run away from enemies or sneak by them.

You can hit them with any shitty weapon you have but it will break before killing even a single low level enemy.


Well get used to it pussy that's how hardcore gamers play

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Whatmins the lady at the convenient store told me I looked depressed and gave me a free cookie

Then when I was walking back this hot girl walked by and I creep stared at her then she just stared back and smiled at me

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jews still butthurt
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whats this then



The nose knows..


This is why they lobotomised him


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why delet


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Whatmin hates happy people having a good time.

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>2 people with small dicks
a challenger appears





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Damn I wanna fuck these sexy kids

Leave the colors alone though


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i don't know what's going on anymore


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You like cats?




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i do, thank you
they don't make me feel less confused and lost though


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Shut up fag you like "girls" like this.

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I age backwards cuz I'm not a white fuck

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My 2 favorite leaders.


what did they sy

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I hate myself
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Pretty dank feels my niggers







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>N64 Toy Story 2
>Need For Speed Underground 2
>Vice City

*cracks monster*

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Recommend me movies pls
looking for: any good movies
any japanese movies
any asian movies
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Those are all good movies though…


Did you see the Gantz movie on Netflix?


Fuck you


Did you see the Gantz movie on Netflix?


watch hackers, its the best movie



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>In February 1944 Japanese officers entered the camp and ordered all single girls aged 17 to 21 to line up for inspection. “The officers paced up and down, up and down the line, inspecting each girl,” she recalled

>“Now they were standing directly in front of me. One of them lifted my chin with a stick to see my face. They stood there grinning, looking at my legs, at my face, at my body … Oh, my God, I prayed; don’t let them take me away.”

>Jan and six other girls were taken to a Dutch colonial house in Semarang converted into a brothel for army officers. “We were all virgins. So innocent,” she recalled. “We tried to find out from each other what was going to happen to us. To this day I have never forgotten that fear.”

>As Japanese officers arrived on their first night, she led the frightened girls in a recitation of Psalm 27: “The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom should I fear?

>“He stood right over me now, pointing the sword at my body. I pleaded with him through my gestures to allow me to say some prayers before I died. With his sword touching my flesh, I fell on my knees to pray … The Japanese officer was getting impatient now. He threw me on the bed and tore at my clothes, ripping them off. I lay there naked on the bed as he ran his sword slowly up and down over my body … I can find no words to describe this most inhumane and brutal rape.



kill yourself ape

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