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now that windows 7 is gone

what disto do /what/mins use


Windows 7 isn't gone people have been running it with all updates disabled for years.

Having all updates isn't gonna stop you from voluntarily running malicious executable files, which is how 99% of malware works anyway.

But I use Arch, I would recommend either Arch or Ubuntu (non-LTS) and nothing else. But don't use Gnome, either use a bare WM like openbox or KDE with no compositing.

The only reason I'm on Arch is because you can easily build custom packages that integrate with the package manager. Every other distro makes it very hard to build your own packages.


Why non LTS? I think imma put Ubuntu on my laptop


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i'm tinkering with linux mint on a spare laptop atm (which is essentially ubuntu?)
i got wine working and 2 out of 4 ero smut games were running without further setup

not bad for an initial start but it can also get better..
if this goes well enough i'll consider running it on my main machine eventually


Old ass packages for no good reason at all.

If it's a DX9, DX10, or DX11 game, install DXVK into the Wine prefix: https://github.com/doitsujin/dxvk

If you think it's a newer game that uses video playback with Media Foundation, install mf-install into the Wine prefix: https://github.com/z0z0z/mf-install

If you think it's an older game that uses DirectShow/WMP based video playback, you can try `winetricks quartz ffdshow` but it likely won't work.

If none of these work and you're already running latest wine-staging, the game probably just won't work. There's a very good chance that almost every single VN can work now though.


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>Windows 7 isn't gone people have been running it with all updates disabled for years.
fair enough, and this is why i'm not in too much of a hurry and take things at my own pace.

aaa, resourceful post!

the one game that wasn't running was an RPGmaker game (like 90% of all nip games)
and likely it failed to run because didn't install anything else after wine
on a normal windows you would need to install RPGmaker to make it run (VX ace, RTP and so on)
i also didn't set up japanese locale yet which could also be an issue

the other one that wasn't working was this one https://sukebei.nyaa.si/view/2917445
i'm guessing it's running on UnityEngine from checking through the file folders

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Yeah I don't random .exe files from uploaders on Nyaa, but to run games with Japanese locale:

LANG=ja_JP.UTF-8 wine game.exe

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Sigh… What do you aspire to be whatmins

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>This is so racist.
Off to a good start

>The white kids should be changed to normal black kids

uh oh

>because it's black kids who are most damaged by the gangsta thug culture that's glorified

okay yeah…

>and they are the ones brainwashed by Jews



I wonder who could be behind this post…

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i had to pause it and fap to extreme femdom because i got so turned on when she was ordering the men around

im seriously a hopeless broken case please help me gain the willpower to end my life


did you have a mother growing up?




cum to gurochan


Isn't this a pedo site

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I’ll be a little boy for the rest of my life


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Good just find a woman who wants a grown child man who isn't financially independent.

Yeah right haha good luck


i literally had that


nothing wrong with being who you like to be

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would dominate them both


Me on the right.


Cute koreans


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I see that the president's equipped his daughter with ballistics too


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She looks like my cousin




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What a smart ass


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Is that Akko?


It's dead or alive honkers I think

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I thought Japan was high you lied


Loser in one country, still a loser in the next


dont worry bro you can always kill yourself


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I watched imas and all I noted about Takane is her chuuni princess personality but ever since I see fanart of her, I doubt everyone sees the same in her, rather on her


The community is not very reflective of certain idol but can be spot on with others.

A common trope in anime is the girl with the biggest breasts gets the most fan art depicting their feature.


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>I watched imas

Wait wtf haha you actually watched imas?

People just masturbate to Iori and shitpost with Anzu they don't actually watch the anime haha


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Only retards like Henri actually watch that shitty.


What did Henri do to you?


Nothing but he gives off a very creepy aura almost as bad as the annoying Indian we try to ignore.

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I get the urge to sleep every time I look at this
4 posts and 2 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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ko rhymes with kong. You add two letters to the end of her name. It has the same amount of syllables. It sounds nice.

It's a joke. Like Lori is for anal. Both are four letters and looks similar spelled.


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>ko rhymes with kong.


actually mald

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Whatmin the fag


Fagmin the what


Shitmin the fag



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/what/ and /kissu/


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a /what/ deito


good thread.

thanks for all your hard work.



Still don't understand what the heck kissu and /qa/ are and how they are related to /jp/


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