Lain is now open source.
There is no copyright on Lain anymore. No.887
isn't this a thing already for literally everything
everyone in the industry turns a blind eye towards the existence of doujinshi despite them being blatant copyright infringements
I didn't know otamin had his own news site
These restrictions do not satisfy the four freedoms.
>The freedom to redistribute copies so you can help your neighbor (Freedom 2)
They should allow free redistribution of the anime and all other official digital merchandise.
>The freedom to improve the program, and release your improvements (and modified versions in general) to the public, so that the whole community benefits (Freedom 3)
They should allow derivative works that use the source material, such as fansubs, fandubs, modified visuals (such as NP-Complete's release), etc.
As such, Serial Experiments Lain is not "open source," or, to use a better term, "free anime".