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Did you get this from ig


I have zero reason to browse Instagram and they don't let you anymore without signing up anymore (and they blacklist every email service except gmail basically)


Uh where did you get it from retard


your mom's dirty curry ass


I've been able to fetch images with gallery-dl. I wouldn't use the service myself, but it probably should've been obvious that was coming considering it's owned by Facebook.

Remember how everyone was calling 8ch et al. a darkweb or something to that affect? I find it ironic that Instagram and Facebook are essentially darkweb because their account requirement. By contrast, imageboards are quintessentially clearnet. Arguable one of the last examples of a more "pure" social media on the Internet.

People always talk about halfchan being some cesspool of crime, but the majority of snuff films and child porn aren't just produced by Facebook: they're created by Facebook denizens, thus making said child porn the copyright of Faceboox. The hypocrisy is just frustrating, because it's not even opinion – they're just factually wrong.

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whatmin police in three different cities have warrants for my arrest what do i do
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Go out in hail of gunfire


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This is actually a good band and they created Incelcore as a genre

Shame they'll never get recognition because of it though


The project's already pretty recognized in their niche, though. I would say too recognized, because the frontman's a pretty uninspired composer.

I liked the last record, but it's kind of frustrating how much he doesn't care about composing at all. Same basic song structure, same motifs, same stupid power pop chords. The production's slightly better, but it's still more of the same. I'd just listen to Tony Molina or Ovens if I wanted that.

And it sucks how seriously he takes himself, too. I like the tracks where he's more tongue-in-cheek, because I can appreciate the project as someone who just wants to entertain, but, the more and more I listen, the more I get this sneaking suspicion he thinks he's an actual e-celeb, and his band is his platform induldge every frivolous thought.

You should check out Gezebelle Gaburgably, though. Same audience.


>created Incelcore as a genre
Isn't that The Smiths?



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me seeing whatmin jacking off to me


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Me on the left.


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what is wrong with you?


Delete this.


sex with chino


a lot

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Not the real elsy, otherwise she would log in on steam.


maybe she is logged in on offline mode so she can play geemu without being spied on


or she's being railed by chad turbodick


elsy was online, check again!!


elsy status:alive

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>Customer questions & answers

>Can i use this to grind marijuana ?

hurr durr

Also I bought a third-party Wii zapper because I want to play some light gun games on Dolphin, because I never realized how many good looking ones there are.


Original ones new are over $70, but there's so many replicas sold I didn't know which to get. They're just pieces of plastic that hold the wiimote in place.
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just wrap that shit in paper and smoke it


bowls are much more enjoyable


What games are you playing?


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Dreadout 2, Luigi's Mansion 3, Persona 4.

If you meant Wii light gun games, I primarily plan on playing the House of the Dead games, Resident Evil chronicle on-rails games, and Link's Crossbow Training.


Had no idea p4 was on wii. Just finished Alien Hominid via gamecube on dolphin. Funny thing with Nintendo is that none of their gimmicks are really integral mechanics of most games, so you can get away with just a controller, but, now that I think about it, it makes sense wii was the platform for on-rail shooters. Thus why the wiimote didn't really work when Sony did it. Ironically, I guess the wiimote was really one of their most succesful gimmicks.

I guess shattered memories was good.

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i dont get it is she a fed or not

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I showed you my pussy answer me
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I think Shinji would antagonize Asuka inadvertantly, not really empathizing with her or thinking about how what he says might be interpreted. By contrast, I think Asuka's extreme reaction is very characteristic of her. From Asuka's perspective, for much the same reason that Shinji didn't really consider his own words all that scrupulously, Asuka does interpret her own acions as dramatically harsh. Or, it might be more apt to say that Asuka just doesn't care. It makes sense that Shinji would internalize his humiliation so badly. It wasn't even the severity of Asuka's reaction which got him. He has a fragile ego and a low self-esteem. Asuka could have said anything to a negative effect, and Shinji would inevitably react the same.


Asuka went harder than he did the pic makes it seem she just defended herself with the same energy


Asuka always goes harder than Shinji, 'cause she's a fucking bitch. She doesn't even realize it. That's just how she acts. From he perspective, her actions are reciprocal.


oh ok. i relate with shinji cuz im a weak bitch pushover sensitive loser and i've had girls like asuka rei and misato in my life and the pic made me feel like im the bad guy but im not asukas a fucking bitch


ironically enough the only girls I could to talk to in hs were the ones who bullied me


Can I buy an alien gf

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Ugly disgusting 2/10


post her name so I can look at all the stuff



dont be mean

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Whatfriends, what should I do if I think I'm mentally handicapped? I suspect I have ADHD or possibly even Aspergers. Do I go to a psychologist? A counselor? If I do, will they prescribe me something to help me or am I pretty much on my own?


There's no treatment except drugs that will cause you more problems. If you were really handicapped you should just kill YOURSELF but you're a normal fuck normie fuck off


Thank you for the advice.

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Whatmin you seem like someone who would be an alcoholic.


I was an alcoholic for a few months earlier this year but now I'm back to only drinking occasionally a few times a month.

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>Come on in, /what/boi!

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