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Literally how did you trigger that autoban?


I wish I could trigger the autobahn in my country
I tried going 180 but it didn't bring any results


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you did it you got mad like a soymin


No I actually cannot figure out how that message triggers the autoban.


which one triggered it what did i write


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Ok I figured it out.

If you typed 4 G's you'll be auto banned, because I have "gg(dot)gg" in the regex, without escaping the ".", which in regex means "anything".


uhh that would be five Gs


Would've be the same result.

If you typed four g's in a row anywhere, it would've been triggered. He typed something like "oooooommmmmmmgggggggg"


if it's ggDOTgg then that would match ggggg and ggngg and ggtgg and gg8gg but not gggg


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see whatmin you're wrong


I knew this I just said it wrong.

Yes "ggXgg" would have triggered the ban, where X is literally anything including g.




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>I knew this
yeah ok lmao

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