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Boy I really hope soijacks go away.

I don't want to be seeing soijacks in 2022.


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>Boy I really hope soijacks go away.

>I don't want to be seeing soijacks in 2022.


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I'm a big dumbass soijack poster


you are? dumbass


they're modern rage faces, people will call them cringey and pretend they never posted them in 2022 don't worry


You don't post rage faces when mocking someone for being ecstatic or just expressing leftist views.


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Sorry but I find them funny now. I used to hate them in 2017 but not anymore. Just remember wojaks are interchangeable and can be used to make fun of anyone you don't like.


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Hitler came off as an effeminate cuck. I remember laughing with other kids in high school in my Holocaust class when the teacher played a speech by him because of his flamboyant hand motions and trying to be taken seriously yelling as a beta manlet.


>Holocaust class



They had one in my high school but I grew up in one of the highest Jew pop part of America. I remember self cringing because I called Hitler a "great" man in my essay to the Jewish teacher who was always nice to me and let me turn in everything late since i had ADHD so they gave me no limit for late work


In American schools history classes consist entirely of black slavery in America and the holocaust.

I wish I was joking.


Jews write our history books


that's an exaggeration but it is true that we had a fucking slavery/holocaust unit in English class basically every fucking year from 5th-12th grade


I remember in 4th grade being taught about a black man who invented peanut butter even as a child it was just so sad and boring how they tried to make black people seem important with shit like that


Do you think slavery and the holocaust were morally reprehensible or not. Can you express a point of view critical of neoliberalism without coming off as a Trumpcuck or Nazi?


Lol there were a lot more reprehensible shit that happened in humanity


There is a great pol infographic that explains the origin of companies like MacMillan McGraw hill (our public school textbooks) and their bonds with literal Rothschild bankers and the companies and how they're all owned by Jewish families


But you're right slavery is reprehensible and since it's the most evil thing in American history I think Americans should know about it. Even as a teen I was always confused at how Hitler was the biggest bad when there are other dictators from his time even that killed way more people


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>There is a great pol infographic


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