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My brother bought GameStop stock a few weeks ago now he's a millionaire. Meanwhile my meme coins barely do anything. Wharton did you hear about this? Reddit is literally fighting back against the Jews and they won


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Lol this is amazing I love reddit now



Even elon is owning the kikes. Wharton if we buy now we can still 3x and fuck over the Jews


Wharton this is gone explode higher now even with elon. It's gonna go to 1000. We can 10x and fuck over the Jews in the process, you should buy I am gonna


Wharton I'm putting 6k on Robin Hood. You should too, help bring about the crash and get rich off it


you're going to jail


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Unless biden does some kind of executive order in a few days we can literally 5-10x in a few days and fuck over the Jews in the process. Wharton lets do it free money plus you contribute to bringing down the bankers


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This is the final level of gamergate, it all led to this. Wharton you are brain dead if u don't buy. 1000by Friday and market crash next week


Yeah me and elon musk, the richest gentile on earth? Bro they can't do shit you should buy in too


Its 200 now. I'm gonna sell at 1000 on Friday and use the money to pay rent


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>Gamestop fucked by pandemic, stores close, shares tank.
>Huge investment entities like Melvin Capital, smell blood in the water. They can artificially drive down Gamestop's market value by shorting it's stocks (learn about shorts: [YouTube] Why mainstream media's slander of wallstreetbets pisses me off regarding GME. (embed)) [Embed]
>Melvin Capital and others are SO confident in Gamestop's demise, they short the stocks over 100%
>Things going according to plan to artificially devalue Gamestop until
>Unemployed NEETs with nothing better to do during covid find out about this >100% short
>Promising news of new CEO, with proven track-record of ecommerce business, all signs indicate Gamestop will not be going bankrupt
>Realize if companies shorting Gamestop can't buy all stocks they shorted, the interest on their borrowed money will increase
>Nerds straight YOLO'ing hundreds of thousands into Gamestop stock
>Hedge markets flipping the fuck out everybody found their gamble, and can bleed them for money by just not selling stock
>Just within this week Melvin Capital got injected with 2.7BIL by Citadel Capital to keep them afloat, and there's no telling how wide and deep this short goes
my dick can only get so hard



Holy fuck Wharton we can legally take all their money and they have to give it to us


dont get caught holding the bag.


Yeah but this is a weird situation. I'm holding till Friday


Don't cry Anon, save your tears for when Jamal breaks your anus for trying to scam the Chosen People.


Wait Wharton should I still buy amc? Its line 24 bucks wtf how much did you make?


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Wharton tell me what to buy I never bought stocks


Idk at this point.

I called AMC last night at $8 and it's now $24 because it's a similar meme stock on it's way to bankruptcy like Gamestop but was heavily shorted and now shorts in those type of stocks are terrified.

It's now $24, I could've tripled my money in such an obvious call.


I don't really know what calls are. That means you sold your amc at 8?


I wasn't literally talking about call options I meant me "calling it".


Fuck it Wharton I'm buying GameStop. My brother said He's holding to 1000 and he called it weeks ago so I'm going with him


I think you're late to the party but whatever.


This is just a glorified pump and dump.


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Its crazy how all these media companies are literally putting out fake news to get people to sell. That shows its not the top until they ate forced to buy and then it will shoot even higher. Buy in for free money Wharton


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Wharton you are missing out lol.


Wharton are u gonna buy AMC? It might pump to 40 but I'm worried. You should definitely buy Nokia all the residue red dit kids are gonna pump


I was looking at AMC last night at $8 and thought it was obvious. It gapped up too quick at 4AM though.

This all ends on Friday, that's the expiration date for the bubble to pop.

Because there's been a retarded rumor/word going around that "dood just wait until Friday it's going to be YUGE and then we'll all sell with our profit"

Well people certainly will sell on Friday at least :)

If "everyone" "knows" a stock is going to go up on Friday, you better not be holding that stock on Friday because it's going down hard.

Everyone's holding out for Friday, and then when Friday comes and it's not up YUGE instantly, what happens? "Oh no, that good thing that everyone knew was going to happen happened, but the stock isn't going up! Why?"


I'm gonna have a sell order for 1000 on gme, should I lower it? You're right though they're gonna sell but some hedge fund contracts end on Friday so they literally have to buy all the gme which will pump the price while they're buying. But not all ends Friday. But I see all the redditors saying that they will sell at 1000 bit I'm worried it might not go that high


Damn Wharton you have a point. Should I sell at like 600 then? If it doesn't hit 1000 everyone will panic sell and ill get dumped on harder?


So I should sell today? Fuck. Still buy Nokia its the next pump


> but some hedge fund contracts end on Friday so they literally have to buy all the gme which will pump the price while they're buying.

Yes this is the retarded rumor.

Friday will come, stonk won't go up, people will all start selling.

If "everyone" "knows" about something good that's going to happen on a specific date, don't hold until that date ever retard.

Because a bunch of other retards are all buying it and going "the pop is going to be nice on that date, them I'm going to sell after the pop :—)"

These dates come, and even if there was good news, the pop doesn't come but people still sell :—-)


OK but what about the 139% short? They have to buy them, the rumor is that that have to on Friday right? Like if they don't they will spread out the buy over time?

Like you think I should sell today when I make just a little profit? This isn't my bitcoin meme money its my actual bank account fiat I use for rent and food


Another piece of retarded misinformation going around is that everyone "has" to cover their shorts (buy back the shares) by a certain date.

You can hold a short as long as you want so long as you stay solvent and within margin maintenance requirements.


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You really think I should sell Wharton?You don't believe in reddit?


Absolutely before Friday.

Take your $700 if you still have that in the morning and be done.

Another possibility is the SEC so much as mutters a single word publicly and the house of cards comes down.

I hope for the sake of people's health they don't halt that stock and it comes back to an instant massive 50%+ drop.


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They are already spreading fake sec fud in the media now. But you have me scared


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Price hasn't dropped yet


sell your principal investment and let the profits ride in case there is a squeeze


Yeah I decided to do that today then hold the rest


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I put a sell order for 1000 so I can rub it in Wharton's face


Looks like the same as a pyramid scheme
Quick everyone, buy gamestop shares for free money! Just dont get caught holding the bag!

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