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what my pc recently fucked out
i suspect the power supply is faulty, just bought a new stick of ram because my first thought was that was the problem, i now dont believe it is so
it's pretty old now, like early '10s tech

im not really a gamer, but have no use for a laptop
but dont want a massive desktop, even though it would be most cost effective
i dont even have a desk


If you can't even get in the BIOS, probably motherboard tbh


yeah, there's no post
just red indicator leds for faults on the mb itself then it turns off


you don't have to get a full tower if you really don't want a laptop


Unplug some of the PSU cables, just the most important ones for CPU, mobo, and GPU. Then plug them all back in again.


nah it's fucked
bought an intel nuc with samsung m.2 ssd

im not a gaymer so should do the job
probably wont arrive till after weekend though


op here
all set up
decided to try linux mint
like usual most things work except some niggly details

the "file upload" selector in firefox only shows list view
is there a way to get firefox to use the file manager so i can set it to how i like?


Use your normal file manager and just drag/drop from that into the dialog.

I can even drag an image from the file manager to the firefox tab on the taskbar to focus firefox.


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op here
got windows 10 instead
it just werks


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