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I ate an impossible whopper

It was okay, 4chan is making fun of it for having insane amounts of estrogen


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phytoestrogen is not at all the same as estrogen you should be more worried about the estrogen in dairy

go vegan


I had a good one the first time, the day it was introduced in my area. The second time at a different BK it tasted "off." The third time, same BK as the 1st, it was burnt. BK needs to get its shit together.

Also, I'm posting from a proxy because tor posting didn't work. Can't this place get with the times and make an onion address?

Mmmm, onions on that good Impossible Whopper…. Now I'm hungry right before I should go to bed.


Are you trans



No, just supplement your carnivorous diet with bull testicles.


Only after I ate the impossible whopper



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