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/what/ - ...

The Society for the Study of Hairy pOOsy
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/QA/ belongs to T.

Don't advertise your gay little spin-off sites inside his territory. Kudasai.



What is this board? I know of /qa/. Trevor has his own board, /NOYOU/

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tis the season

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 No.5410[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

This is a lewd archive thread.
Last one and countless amount of content was lost when the board went down.

Spoilers on full nudity.
284 posts and 108 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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asian girls are really gross wow


i want to live here



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Someone needs to publicly back thus thread and all the files in it up. Don't archive the literal hay ones though.


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Some white girl coming through.


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I think I understand why people say the Higurashi anime is bad.

If I didn't read the VN up to this point, I would have no clue what's going on, they rushed through a lot. This isn't bad though if you've read the VN.

Also this is a pretty badly drawn anime, lacking detail. Charming in a way. Of course the VN artwork itself wasn't great, the boxing glove hands were hilarious. I think these faces are the equivalent of the VN hands.

Some scenes are straight QUALITY


am i a mindless retard if i usually don't notice or care about bad animation

not 101% related but when i watch stuff with my friend, they like to complain about CG (even when it's just some minor thing animated using it) but i find it extremely pointless to complain about what animation technique was used

appreciate things for what they are or something, and try to see what they intended you to see


The artist's intention doesn't really play into it when something is published. It's free for anyone to think of it however they want to, whether they appreciate it (you) or criticize it (your friendo) or whatever.

Though maybe they could summarize their opinion at the end rather than complain constantly throughout the whole thing, if that's what's bothering you.

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Who will win the dopamine war


What did you mean by this?


What do you think he meant?


epic le what did he mean by this meme very cool keep em cummin' brah


>epic le what did he mean by this meme very cool keep em cummin' brah
What did anon mean by this?


whatmin should enable soko


only textboards use soko, but i find it a nice feature


/what/ is basically a textboard with file attachment features.

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 No.20510[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

This is the official (3% Juice) /what/ blog thread. If you have anything you want to say but don't want to make a thread for it…
350 posts and 106 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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Check out my gf (male)!


Say average weight of skinny Korean girl is 115lbs

2000 / 115

About 17.4


That's a girl (girl) you fool…


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Are you sure?


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Just saw this on yahoo answers.




asked 5 centuries ago

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used to do this stuff when young heh

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Rate my cat




meow meow nyan moew




what a fat hairy boosy


meow meow


Youre a big cat



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"Do not neglect hospitality, for through it some have unknowingly entertained angels."

Hebrews 13:2

This means fallen angels can take physical form and interact too tempting us or worse.

You mentioned the prostitutes perhaps being succubi in Japan.
I dont think any were, but I did take it as a test from God.The supernatural was not among them, but it was in the area watching.
The day you mentioned this though I did come in contact with a woman who resembles the eye witness testimony of this mans succubi.

She contacted me only 3 weeks after seeing the OP goblin fallen angel at my footbed.
Post too long. Click here to view the full text.




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Home along on a Saturday morning?


Sometimes I feel

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what did everybody go?


It's saturday night, I still post from the club though.


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I'm still here.


did you get your emf protection gear yet anons


now is a good time to bunker down with literal tin foil


Why would the government sell the only protection against their electromagnetic brain control weapons for so cheap? Surely they would take control of tinfoil companies to make sure they produce tinfoil that doesn't prevent the weapons.


you havent been able to get actual tin foil since the 1960s it wa sreplaced iwth aluminum in most stores and outlets


Did you even read the article? Tin foil isn't gonna stop sound waves. It might even amplify them.

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i stole your girlfriend and then used her


I never even knew she existed…


i no have

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1 post and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.


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why they rip her dress? that's very rude, you shouldn't rip a birl's clothes…


Stop calling every flat girl a birl, that's mean.


please don't post shitrino, thanks


she is a birl, i clicked on the spoiler image and saw it!!!

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