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File: 1513326450208.png (568.02 KB, 1280x720, mpv-shot0002.png)


I think I understand why people say the Higurashi anime is bad.

If I didn't read the VN up to this point, I would have no clue what's going on, they rushed through a lot. This isn't bad though if you've read the VN.

Also this is a pretty badly drawn anime, lacking detail. Charming in a way. Of course the VN artwork itself wasn't great, the boxing glove hands were hilarious. I think these faces are the equivalent of the VN hands.

Some scenes are straight QUALITY


am i a mindless retard if i usually don't notice or care about bad animation

not 101% related but when i watch stuff with my friend, they like to complain about CG (even when it's just some minor thing animated using it) but i find it extremely pointless to complain about what animation technique was used

appreciate things for what they are or something, and try to see what they intended you to see


The artist's intention doesn't really play into it when something is published. It's free for anyone to think of it however they want to, whether they appreciate it (you) or criticize it (your friendo) or whatever.

Though maybe they could summarize their opinion at the end rather than complain constantly throughout the whole thing, if that's what's bothering you.

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