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The Society for the Study of Hairy pOOsy
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I don't wanna die bros


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I don't either! I'm scared guys…


Don't post Patchi.


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why not?


Because she is too cute. I can't handle it.


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don't get all soft on me now anon! you CAN handle it!

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God DAMN! That was so powerful!



I can't stop crying bros!!!!!


I'm glad they're giving her so much airtime. It's ironically bad for the side she supports.


Bro, they're fucking CHILDREN. Do you have any clue what they went through? No, you fucking DONT, so SHUT YOUR MOUTH.


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whos fucking children!


who's fucking children
whose fucking children

VERY important to learn the difference before you get arrested!!

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I'm so lonely bros….


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Good morning (or rather, afternoon)

I slept all day again.


Yeah same


I wish I could sleep in past noon like I used to. I keep waking up at the same time in the morning no matter how late I've stayed up the night before, so I have to go early to bed unless I want to feel terrible the next day.


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i am obsessed with cocks pleeease help me…

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So I finally bought this thing and a 30ft HDMI cord. Works great, signal stays strong even from 20ft behind walls.


It works out of the box on Linux, doesn't work out of the box on Windows without Logitech's software.

What I found interesting is the trackpad is actually a mouse (pointer), a computer will think it is a mouse, not a trackpad. The trackpad features, such as tap to click, and scroll, are actually done through hardware, and it sends it to the computer as if it were a normal mouse. Most people who use this device would never know this.

You could only extensively configure the trackpad with Logitech's software.

On Linux this means you can't configure it like you would a normal trackpad (real trackpads almost always work much better on Linux), you can only configure it like a mouse, the options to configure tap-to-click aren't there. Luckily by default, the hardware handles 1 finger tap to left click, 2 finger tap to right click, and 2 finger scrolling very well.

It however does not support 3 finger tap-to-click, and the double-click by double tapping is quite bad.

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It didn't come out of the trash so it's not sticky and disgusting?

They keyboard itself isn't too bad either, for a membrane.


No it was literally unused, I don't know why someone would throw it out. It was in boxes in front of his house, like he emptied out his garage


no cherry mx, no deal


It's for using my desktop with my TV that's over 20ft away, not for my regular keyboard.

Not sure if they even have wireless cherry MX mechanical keyboards.




>Not sure if they even have wireless cherry MX mechanical keyboards.
They do.


fucking owned that retard

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I just started dating this girl a couple weeks ago. She’s a really awesome girl. Our first date was supposed to be coffee and a walk downtown, but we wound up spending the whole weekend together. I’m really into her, it seems like she is really into me, too.

But I find some of her behavior a little strange and I’m not sure how I should handle it. After our 36 hiur long first date I asked her if I can start referring to her as my girlfriend, she got excited and said a very enthusiastic yes. So it was going pretty good.

Then the next day when I was back in my apartment she sent me a “good morning” message, and a picture she took in the mirror, along with a message asking “Is it okay if I wear this today?”

That seemed like an odd thing to ask a boyfriend, especially one of like 12 hours, but I assumed she meant it like a “Do I look okay?” Sort of way. I think she was wearing a tank-top and some shorts, so perfectly normal clothes for a college girl in a state that emulates the surface of the sun. I just told her she looked great, blah blah, and she said thanks and that was that.

A couple days after that she asked the same thing, basically wearing the same sort of thing. I told her again that I thought she looked great. She followed up by asking “So you’re okay with me wearing this?” I responded something like “Uh…..yeah?” And she answered “Just making sure!”.

That has continued like that ever since. Every day to every other day she asks if I’m “okay” with her wearing whatever she puts on in the morning.

I asked her about it the next time we were together after that. I basically told her that I definitely didn’t mind her sending pictures every morning, but I asked why she always asks if I’m “okay” with it. She said she just wants to make sure she isn’t going to upset me with whatever she puts on. I tried to reassure her that unless she’s planning on going to class topless or something I’m not going to be upset about what she wears and I figured that was that, but she continues to ask still.

It’s basically just become part of my morning routine to respond to her messages to say I’m fine with her going out like that. Ever since I talked to her that time I figured it only took a sec so what’s the harm in just giving “permission”, but the more I think about it, that just can’t be healthy, right?
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>Post too long. Click here to view the full text.
lol yeah right

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I'm broke as shit /what/. I just applied for a job at Taco Bell. Has anyone ever seen the job application at Taco Bell?

What ASSHOLE is writing the questions for this application. Question number 3, and I quote: How did you hear about Taco Bell?

What the fuck? How did I HEAR about Taco Bell? I live on Earth, you fucking shits. It's not the Illuminati. I walked here from my house. How do you THINK I heard about Taco Bell? I googled "dhiarrea" and your name came up.


There's now extremely high requirements for minimum wage jobs.

Don't like it? Well there's millions of Mexicans who want that job and would work for less than you and not complain.

Even when you get the job, there's absolutely no job security, you'll be fired for anything, because there's millions of people with college degrees who would love to have your shitty minimum wage Taco Bell job.


Violent revolution when


when the military decides to revolt


The military would never revolt, they're basically guaranteed food and housing by the state.

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Girls are icky


upvoted for truth

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What's your favorite anime w what


i really liked flip flappers

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What's your favorite anime w what


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You're not /what/min, you're the other /what/friendo that likes Kagura-chan!

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so theres this nigger and he thinks he can just talk to me
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These are the kind of quality posts on what without me.



Still better than yours.


How so


They're funny.


This isn't funny it's dumber than fucking/b you should go to 9gag for this stuff


Fuck off to tumblr where you can blog about drugs and how your dad abused you stupid fuckboy.


Mommy abused me

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I wear long sleeves usually though…


The can see the male muscles, bones, and veins in your hands.


More like fagga no shoujo am I right?


be sure to post it when you do


Stop, let me be birl!!!


Is this game good? Think I'm gonna download it


Post the video

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