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The Society for the Study of Hairy pOOsy
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The universe as in "this plane of existence" is infinite.
The universe as in "all the matter and energy that exists" is finite, hence why heat death is a possibility.
However, even in a finite universe, the time scale of heat death is so massive that I doubt the existence of intelligent life makes a very large impact on its arrival date. Thanos would have been better off using the gauntlet to fight entropy directly, killing half the universe would hardly extend its expiration date at all. Even if there was no life in the universe, it would still die eventually.
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So radiometric dating would not work on a 12,000 year old object because it only dates things up to 50,000 years old but the earth is 4004 years old?


I'm saying it doesn't work. Any form of radiometric dating makes many assumptions like:

- That the rate of decay was always constant
- That there is no contamination or false-positive evidence of radioactive decay
- That the testing methods aren't inherently flawed
- That things weren't just created this way

> it isn't the only way to date things that shows that the planet (and human existence) is much, much older than you propose.

Ok tell me some proof of how the universe is older than 6,022 years.


I told you on ota there is light from galaxies that are BILLIONS of light years away, but you said something like "God could have just created it traveling to us". Using that logic there's no reason to believe that the universe wasn't created only a few years ago (which it was, by Haruhi our Lord).


>I told you on ota there is light from galaxies that are BILLIONS of light years away, but you said something like "God could have just created it traveling to us".

That or time dilation. You can slow down time the faster you move.

If you move at the speed of light you basically stop time.

It isn't understood how light traveling in the vacuum of space correlates with time. Human mind can't even understand time.


Again this a PhD astrophysicist.


From what I understand, high-speed travel does slow the passage of time RELATIVELY. So from the relative perspective of the photon, a journey of billions of light years is instantaneous. But an observer on Earth, traveling much slower than the speed of light, would observe the photon taking one year to travel one light year.

The time dilation caused by the earth's gravity is not even remotely powerful enough to make it so the earth is only ~6,000 years old while the rest of the universe is nearly 14 billion.

>Again this a PhD astrophysicist.

Again, that means nothing. He is a PhD astrophysicist who starts with the assumption that the universe is 6,000 years old and looks for evidence to support it. Meanwhile respectable PhD astrophysicists posit the universe is billions of years old based on observable evidence, look for more evidence to confirm or deny such an age, and find overwhelming evidence supporting it.

>Human mind can't even understand time

Human minds can try to better understand time.


Even if those were true they would only have a minor impact and the distribution would even out across many test subjects. So one could still tell the world is over 6000 years old.


>- That the rate of decay was always constant
Whether a radioactive atom decays or not at a particular instant is completely random, as far as we know. It has a chance to decay in a certain amount of time. This has been consistently observed and measured and there is no reason to believe that the rate of decay was different at an earlier point in Earth's history.
>- That there is no contamination or false-positive evidence of radioactive decay
There are many examples of contaminated samples that make carbon dating inaccurate. The ways carbon dating can be flawed are known to scientists, and when a known flaw or contamination exists in a particular sample, scientists make it known.
>- That the testing methods aren't inherently flawed
Carbon dating consistently accurately dates samples of a known age. If the method was inherently flawed then this would be quite a remarkable coincidence.
>- That things weren't just created this way

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I'm crying right now. Sean was right




I hope he doesn't get rid of his nukes, he's not that dumb I hope.


His nukes are useless retard


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>A survey taken on Friday, the day North Korean leader Kim Jong Un met South Korean President Moon Jae-in, showed 64.7 percent believe the North will denuclearize and keep peace. Before the summit, only 14.7 percent of those polled said they did, research agency Realmeter said on Monday.

Truly will go down as one of the greatest


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Trump is my hero he has dragon energy like me


The important part is that America thinks they work.


america doesn't care, we would intercept it before it even left his airspace,

commies are fucking weak. america is literally the god king of humanity

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Wake up
Needle hesitation
Wake up
Time for us to realize
Wake up
Show appreciation
Wake up
Time for us to realize


Lmao at the offended retards in the comments


I wouldn't mind if schools did more historical reenactments but for some reason they only do it for shit like this. In my school we did some silly game where we pretended we were all black people happily living in Africa when the mean ol white man came and snatched us away (never mind the fact that the vast, VAST majority of slaves brought to America were already enslaved by other Africans and were simply purchased)


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Is this real


In this thread I discuss Ideas for my perfect gf


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Kill yourself pedo



Saw a girl today with a really nice hairstyle and black eyeliner all around her eyes, she was really cute but I was put off by her weight. I wonder what negative noticeable qualities I have that would make otherwise attracted women opt out.


Lack of money/income.


I did do some research to find out what girls like and a large amount of imaginary is of a man in a suit.

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Not the fluoride in the water thing again. Fluoride is used to preserve your teeth and is diluted in municipal supplies so as not to cause any health concerns. The national health and medical research council (of Australia) (2017) conclude that "the evidence shows that water fluoridation at current Australian levels reduces the occurrence and severity of tooth decay. Water fluoridation at current Australian levels is associated with dental fluorosis. In Australia, however, most dental fluorosis is very mild or mild, does not affect the function of teeth and is not of aesthetic concern to those who have it" (p. 4). I imagine that health conscious Californian municipalities would ostensibly assert similar findings.



Australia is corrupt and it's government and people stupid, also we use the wrong type of fluoride. We use a by-product of certain industrial processes, and nobody drinks it anyway.


No one cares autismo


Well then I don't care about you either!


>it's government and people stupid
>it is government


Owned that fucking retard

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I miss my roommate


Dorm norm.

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whatmin show us your big bepis


I thought this said biceps the entire time.


Fucking fag.


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tfw no scientist gf

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Power tends to isolate those who hold too much of it. Eventually, they lose touch with reality… and fall.
1 post omitted. Click reply to view.


Infinity war


I meant story as in what is the story


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Thanos is a euphoric fedora nihilist who fell in love with the literal personification of death, her. It's a metaphor for the reality that nihilism is an aspect of the anima and he is controlled by that aspect of the dinner feminine that renders his existence meaningless. She wants him to destroy half the universe with the alchemical stones that are literally pieces of God that were formed in the big bang. He obtains all of them at the end of infinity war and destroys half the universe and half the superheroes die.

Only for some reason they cut her out of the movies and he only did it to solve the overpopulation problem. I think it's mkultra collective consciousness programming for big events that will wipe out billions for the occultic nwo

I mean in the comics she wants it for that reason but he does it for her, I think they don't want people to realize they are doing it for the feminine entity too, at least subconsciously



all superhero movies suck anyway


Infinity war is good because the bad guy wins


Well the personification of death is p. cute


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Through my years of mediatation I have come to the conclusion that most nu-men are ants, and all women are dirt.

the Social order is unraveling and you are here looking for boys to molest with sonic weapons. Tsk tsk.


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>the social order is unraveling

I've been there and back and it's basically nothing, but an inevitable point in observable dialectic pattern within history.

I'm not one for molesting boys but perhaps in there one could find Truth.




have you tried medical marijuana?

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UH this is the wrong board, reported


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>UH this is the wrong board, reported


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Don't post.

Don't post.

Don't post.


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Here's a little something for the hustlers

What's up with that?
You'll cowards don't even smoke crack
What's up with that?
You'll cowards don't even smoke crack

Hater, you, don't even smoke crack, you's a snitch fool
Miss me with that mark game, that's a G, that's him
I'm about to blaze up, even when it's after dim
I changed the game don't get it misunderstood
Post too long. Click here to view the full text.


Don't post.


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realy retarded album to listen to on acid

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Please excuse my poor English no jap milf girlfriend with huge ass

Why live?


Kill yourself


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>Kill yourself

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