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The Society for the Study of Hairy pOOsy
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File: 1522085061044.jpg (260.24 KB, 850x1156, best_weeb_mafia_girl.jpg)


Smiles like my gf

File: 1522054489184.jpg (188.41 KB, 1686x1857, 1500752134540.jpg)



File: 1522054052181.jpg (103.74 KB, 1280x720, HorribleSubs_ReLIFE_16_720….jpg)


I'm retarded and kill myself


where is blog thread??
/what/min please make new thread.




This, fuck off o pee


lel it's too late cucklord, the thread already happened mlao

File: 1459235621009.png (16.38 KB, 344x135, 1357616466371.png)


15 posts and 7 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


ii ne


File: 1459288374483.gif (1.61 MB, 390x520, this is fine.gif)

Testing thumbnails/text


File: 1459288429060.png (2.14 MB, 1920x1080, shot0002.png)

Testing thumbnails/text this is a bunch of random text blah blah blah blah blah blah blah 16:9 image


File: 1459962904808.png (152.95 KB, 262x471, sadbat.png)

Thinking of /what/min


First whatpost


First whatpost


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Thinking of Porchy

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File: 1522019713110.jpg (218.65 KB, 1920x1080, 1521853032766.jpg)

handjob gloves



>Nostalgic Anime Moments
>Mio avatar



That's that meme dress, I thought it looked familiar.


Lala is so frigging cute.


Yes, the gold and white one.

File: 1521961386058.jpg (179.4 KB, 1280x720, NoobSubs_THE_IdolmasteriDO….jpg)


The only person who really loves me in this world is me and I hate myself


File: 1521999215029.jpg (342.88 KB, 1426x2048, [4s] Yagate Kimi ni Naru -….jpg)

that doesnt make any sense
i hope you're a cute gay girl


That's my screenshot…


Yeah? You want a cookie? Fuck off.


Why save the original filename instead of the Unix timestamp.

Could just say thanks.



File: 1522006574425.png (573.43 KB, 1070x601, mpv-shot0007.png)



Selling really obscure Chinese herbs. A fern Wikipedia doesn't even have an article on.


>About the product

>Grown in the rain forest
>Calaguala (pronounced"kal-la-wall-la") combined two species of rainforest ferns (Polypodiumleucotomos and Polypodium decumanum) Please do not message or email us on how to use this we will not assume that liability. The internet will have all the information about this encapsulation, dosage and others. We will not answer any questions on the use of this product so don't ask.


Damn this is obscure, what do they do


mustard gas

File: 1521960697787.png (1.36 MB, 1000x1000, cover.png)


Throwaway account, but I have to just vent. I feel like a piece of shit. I'm unsure why, but I am so attracted to my boyfriend's cousin. I've known them both for 5+ years and don't get me wrong, I am in love with my boyfriend and I would marry him if he asked me tomorrow…. But…. I am attracted to his cousin. Like seriously. I wouldn't ever cheat on my boyfriend. But I think about being sexually involved with his cousin. If I don't see the cousin for a long time, I don't feel that way. But when we hang out, or afterwards, the feelings arise. There are no issues in the relationship with my boyfriend, but sometimes I feel like the things my boyfriend is lacking are the things his cousin has. Maybe it's just me.. Maybe I'm the shit person. Does that make me a horrible person? Is this something I should discuss with the boyfriend or should I just keep it a secret and try to forget about? Should I break up with my boyfriend and just be single and forget about them both??? I feel like fucking shit about the entire thing.


That a nice picture it caught my eye, very aesthetic for me


File: 1521998194396.png (77.11 KB, 282x193, 604ee16bf5169f3cbd3bc53c57….png)

I think you just have a ridiculously low libido and have never experienced this before OP, but it is not terribly uncommon.
Boys are attracted to 50% of the girls they ever see but they still manage to have the self control to stay loyal to their gf.
It's fine and normal to be attracted to people you're not in a relationship as long as you know the difference between what your mind wants and what your body wants, and you have a minimum level of self-control.


Thanks that helped me

File: 1521941375909.webm (Spoiler Image, 1.46 MB, 426x698, 1521940994286.webm)


My country is so based!

This is how we turn weebs/neets/unemployed/virgins/fags etc into MEN

How does your country treat the mentally ill


What did she(?) do to deserve it?

Two sides to every story.


hes a lazy slob who mooches off his parents to play video games all day instead of getting a job


me on the right


Why didn't he hit the fucking clown back?


He's gonna get a bumpfire stock with barrel shroud in the face soon if he keeps bullying that fat borl like that.

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I've been dating my current boyfriend for over 3 years now. He's kind, funny, and treats me well. He is a ridiculously good person - totally selfless. I can't imagine him ever intentionally hurting me or anyone else for that matter. Despite this, I feel like our intellectual compatibility is not great. We have very separate interests/hobbies, and he doesn't really have the innate curiousity that is required to drive a conversation in something he's not interested about.

I've known this from the start and I've had my hesitations about it, but I always thought that it wasn't a big deal and his other great qualities made up for this particular issue. We've been long distance for a little over 2 years now (college, opposite sides of the world) and he's stuck through with me for it all. He would do anything to see me happy, but I'm not sure this incompatibility is something that can be fixed. I also don't know whether or not it would improve when we move in together.

When you're long distance, all you can rely on are your words. Conversations with him fall flat after knowing everything there is to know about each other for years. It ends up in a repetitive loop of "how was your day?" and listening to our different interests without really engaging. We certainly do have engaging conversations about things we both find intellectually stimulating, but they are much rarer than I'd like. We plan to close the distance in about a year.

Up until this point, this issue has always been a sore point for me about our relationship, but one that I've thought was able to be overlooked. I recently met someone (mostly online although I have met him through friends IRL) who I find so intellectually stimulating. Our interests are very closely aligned and it's just so refreshing to talk to someone who truly gets why I find certain things interesting.

I would never cheat or consider cheating, nor am I considering leaving my current bf specifically for this guy, but he has enlightened me on something I feel I'm missing from my current relationship. It certainly doesn't help that my bf and I have just been going through a low point in our relationship for various unrelated reasons (all relationships ebb and flow). I am feeling attracted/connected to this new guy purely because of our very strong intellectual compatibility. We've only been speaking for a week or two, just as friends, but I can feel myself developing a crush and I feel so guilty.Post too long. Click here to view the full text.
11 posts and 3 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


>Dani hates Touhou anyway.


Seeing as you are the type of person to post such things in the first place, no.

I don't know.


Lala is so frigging cute.


File: 1521965301043.jpg (81.65 KB, 1280x720, ciel2.jpg)

It's all too unsurprising that a "man" if you can even call him one…is incapable of understanding the vast complexity of Touhou and its sub-culture.
A series so deep with rich lore it would even make J. R. R. Tolkien blush. With such works as IOSYS, Koishi Komeiji's Heart-Throbbing Adventure and Cookie's avant-garde take on ZUN's genius premise and ideas.
This doesn't even touch on the many shared intellectual discusses like the theory on whatever or not Alice really does leak poop. That is only one of thousands of deep seeded wonders of this God given work.

Touhou; to be put simply, is modern art perfected.
So him or anyone else feeble minded like him will never understand it.

Also, what's the deal with these copy-pasted reddit threads..?


I could've responded seriously to this and given insight but I'm too worried about it not being genuine and being made fun of for falling for it. Sorry!


There are dozens of posts like this, what made you think this one could be genuine?


Fine I won't stop then

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Whatmin I can't take this lonliness and low self esteem any more

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I feel like killing myself

File: 1520917908718.mp3 (15.41 MB, 07 - 10cc - Somewhere In H….mp3)


this song is for you whatmin
8 posts and 6 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


File: 1521818156000.mp3 (7.56 MB, 01. Slow Snow.mp3)

>Wow so deep, track is fire.
You don't have to be sarcastic about it. I'm just trying to show you a cool song.

Here's a vocaloid song. It's the only vocaloid song I have.


File: 1521823570456.mp3 (6.22 MB, 08 Good Morning,Mr.Echo.mp3)



File: 1521823782628.mp3 (9.66 MB, 01 Western Bolero.mp3)




File: 1521951363890.mp3 (8.23 MB, 01 Magical Symphonic Girl.mp3)




ew it's the dub

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This is a long rambling one so I apologize in advance, I just have no one to talk to and I'm kinda having a really hard time. (and I don't know how to format on this site)

In the last 38 days my wife has stayed home after work 6 times and is never home before midnight. She sometimes doesn't come home at all, staying with a friend and going to work the next morning. This is just what I have been writing down however, as she has been going out a minimum of 3 nights a week (4-5 on average) for about a year now. I have spoken to her multiple times and she claims to just want to have friends and a social life and since she is the primary bread winner she should be able to do what she wants. Note that she is the main earner in the household because she asked me to take less hours to be able to watch our 6 children since childcare is outrageously expensive. 4 are technically my step children but the only steps in my house lead to the second floor; they are all mine and my reason to live. I am their primary caregiver as she is either absent or sleeping or busy. So much so that they have now started asking her why she is always gone or busy or why I don't get to go hang out like she does. She doesn't see the problem and actually gets mad at them for questioning her. Her compromise is to wait until I'm laying them down for bed to go out (where as before she would come home, change and leave) but, she spends the hour prior to that getting ready so it's not much better. She contributes to the housework 1 day a week and complains about it every time, expecting to not have to clean on her days off since "we're home all the time" and she "already works so hard"

I understand that she is probably cheating on me but I have no way to prove it and even if I could, divorce would only lead to me not seeing my kids everyday. So now I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place: do I just stick it out for the kids since I'm all they've got or do I throw in the towel and risk never seeing them again. She refuses to talk for more than a few minutes about anything uncomfortable preferring the ostrich tactic of ignoring a problem until it goes away or becomes moot. She claims I want to "talk things to death" if I pressure her to continue the conversation or drop it to bring it up later.

I'm not sure really what to do moving forward so, here I am…

(tl;dr) Wife is probably cheating and is abandoning her family and I don't know what to do. (P.S. TNPost too long. Click here to view the full text.



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