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The Society for the Study of Hairy pOOsy
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>that feel when the mod bans you for CP and then deletes your totally innocent touhou thread for no other reason


dont know that feel


he he


Go back there.

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why wont it go back to blue and lback


It only appears as blue and black to people with good eyesight.


I found it really strange that people saw anything except blue and black.

I thought it was just people with bad monitors or phone screens, but it wasn't.


Earlier I was drunk and saw this picture as white and gold. Now it's blue and black. Either /what/min is playing tricks on me and changed the image, or my eyesight starts to fail when I'm drunk.


It depends on whether you perceive the light as coming from the front or the back


it was blue and vblack the first time i saw it when i was csrolling thru twitter feed

i didnt read anything about it just kept seeing this blue and balck dress and i was probably tripping on dxm

then a little while later i heaerd about the meme and isthe derss blue or black or white and gold and i looked at it and it was white and gold and it will never go back to blue and black


whoa i was scrolling down the page and then in my peripheral vision it appear as black and blue for once! but as soon as i stopped scrolling and looked at it directly, it appeared as white and gold again.

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Honestly, looks 5'10.5" to 5'11" in most everything he's been in.

You can Google plenty of pics of him standing next to 5'6" Emma Stone… Gosling consistently looks 3-3.5" taller.

Then add in the 1.5" advantage of her high heels vs Gosling's dress shoes, and Bob's your uncle.

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theyre laughing at me
1 post omitted. Click reply to view.


wtf why?????????


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Is there anything worse than seeing this annoying mouthbreather reposting one of your pictures?


which one?


you dont even know me freak of nature i dont breth through my mouth


huuufff huuuffff its me the spamming retard breathing thru my mouf huuuuff


fuck off freak

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i am obsessed with cocks pleeease help me


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Open up.

Dr.feelgood's got your fix.


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Why did Dani become a gay pedo?





He was born like this.




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whys it wrong if i l;ike it


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Brought you a gift /what/…



Don't post.


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Blaze it UP

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Brought you a gift /what/…


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Disliked it.

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Two whatfriendos loving each other.


That's Marisa and Alice from Touhou, dude.



Stop making gay, homo

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Why do people even like porn? It makes you complacent and kills your drive to go out and have real sex. How is it not just a tool to keep bronies and other omega males from going on a killing spree?


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Porn or not I wouldn't get sex, and I need to jack off multiple times a day, and porn makes that better.


stop copying threads from /biz/




You must look so low test


Isn't it good if they don't go on killing sprees?

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Possibly THE dumbest plot I have ever seen.

A bunch of prisoners were tattooed with a map leading to a treasure.

Instead of just copying the tattoos to a drawing, they take all the prisoners out of the jail to search for the treasure, and then they escape.


The entire story is about these two trying to find everyone with the tattooes.

They never thought to just copy the tattoos into a drawing LMFAO how could they leave THIS dumb of a loophole?
7 posts and 4 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


File: 1523919583966.jpg (244.42 KB, 1920x1080, [HorribleSubs] Golden Kamu….jpg)

Dumb racist.


hey yo, sup wajin, it's your ainu bro Tairoun


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File: 1523933940047.jpg (187.43 KB, 1920x1080, [HorribleSubs] Golden Kamu….jpg)

yeah how the fuck did he survive



>400 replies

Why can't I hold all these (You)s?


I'm proud of you


what huge ears

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