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why wont it go back to blue and lback


It only appears as blue and black to people with good eyesight.


I found it really strange that people saw anything except blue and black.

I thought it was just people with bad monitors or phone screens, but it wasn't.


Earlier I was drunk and saw this picture as white and gold. Now it's blue and black. Either /what/min is playing tricks on me and changed the image, or my eyesight starts to fail when I'm drunk.


It depends on whether you perceive the light as coming from the front or the back


it was blue and vblack the first time i saw it when i was csrolling thru twitter feed

i didnt read anything about it just kept seeing this blue and balck dress and i was probably tripping on dxm

then a little while later i heaerd about the meme and isthe derss blue or black or white and gold and i looked at it and it was white and gold and it will never go back to blue and black


whoa i was scrolling down the page and then in my peripheral vision it appear as black and blue for once! but as soon as i stopped scrolling and looked at it directly, it appeared as white and gold again.

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