Screw exercise, just change your diet.
>>20592we're talking about tables…
I just went for a run today. I almost started hyperventilating. It was just a mile run. I used to run long distance in highschool–hell, it's only been three-four years since highschool. What the heck is going on? I wonder if it's my breathing. I try to focus on it, but it doesn't seem to get better. Perhaps the alternative would be letting it get to the point that I suffocate or whatever happens when you hyperventilate. I'd rather not think about it.
The Society for the Study of Tables in Japanese Animation
>>20603You're just out of shape. Three or fours years of staring at a screen does that to you. Just keep pushing yourself and you'll get better at it again. It's important to know your limits too, of course; don't push yourself too hard.
I want to lose a bit of wait to get abs so I tried increasing excersise and that did not work so now I have just cut down on meal sizes(I use to eat far too much) and I am losing a bit less than a kilo a week which I am happy with. You could lose wait on excersise alone but you would have to jog every day or something like that.