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/what/ - ...

The Society for the Study of Hairy pOOsy
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faggots was here, you guys are merorin

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rev up those fryers

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In case you didn't see my posts on W, I removed and blocked you, Vicky.


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Who is Vicky


Dunno but he just got removed and blocked.


Who What Why


two of your questions were answered in the original post try rereading it

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Isn't it weird how seasonal anime is usually the main topic of discussion on /jp/ spinoffs, while 4chan /jp/ is still as hostile towards anime as it was 8 years ago? What could this mean?


>What could this mean?

The /a/nime fags got kicked off /jp/ by the Janitor, and got sent to ota/spinoffs, where they've been ever since.




I tried discussing Sagrada Reset on /a/ and they viciously bullied me

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i thought they were dead and lying on a knocked-out tank because of the symbolism involved with the cherry blossoms but they are alive and being frens and it's not as good i think.

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What's the break up process like when you switch Waifus?

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What other crypto currency should I buy? Will like coin drop or should I wait?


What other practical use is there for anything else but bitcoin?

You shouldn't buy any cryptocurrency for investment right.

I had some bitcoin sitting around, I wasn't intentionally investing it, and over the past few months it increased by a very large percentage, I'm spending it now because I don't know if it will go up much more.


Don't spend it it's gonna go higher


This has to be the 100th time ive looked at bitcoin and thought i should of bought some.


How do I get started?


I was mining doge coin but i don't know what happened to it……

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/whatmin/ horny


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/what/min and /what/friend


me on the left


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2 posts and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.


i like my eggs sunny side up, pls do not flip my eggs


Enjoy your salmon-nella


do you live in africa?




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To make a sunside egg, all you have to do is throw an egg in a pan. It requires no other motion or force. Wouldn't this be the easiest egg to make?
Creating a scrambled egg forces you to destroy the eggs natural state with a utensil.

Also dipping a bagel or toast in the egg yolk is very nice. It is like hollandaise but actually good.


You can easily burn the bottom of the egg while not cooking the top fully.


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Was looking at my steam lost and saw ten years and was like what 2004 it something but it said 2007 omg wake me up from this nightmare fuck this space time prison


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Letting the days go by, let the water hold me down 🎵

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Don't be fooled by nenmin the overly nice friendliness is concealing a sadist. He range banned and permanent banned me nenmin is a psycho and so are the users they are fake nice with fake smiles but will murder you for their own entertainment after they torture you while still keeping the creepy smiles and exteeme friendly facade to cover extreme cruel hatred
12 posts and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.


I never thought I would prefer dani but every new spammer manages to be a bigger piece of subhuman trash.


you should kill yourself


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If the bullies know you're weak, they'll pick on you even harder.

It's a doggy dog world.


go fuck yourself


You are actually enjoying this aren't you?


of course he is, why do you think he does all of this:


how pathetic

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Do you think bisexuality is real?
1 post omitted. Click reply to view.


Do you think I'm bisexual


Worse, you gay, it's terminal.


But I like girls more than boys dolly


You can like anyone you want to like but I hope that person is me



Because I'm in love with you?


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sorry mudasir, but I'm in love with >>18121

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Thinking about suicide again


Fine I'll just del my post too.


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post more sad animals

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This is mocking health conscious people but you need to eat healthy it matters a lot

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