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/what/ - ...

The Society for the Study of Hairy pOOsy
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Got a 78 on my exam and brought my grade from an a to a b….

I'm finally starting to accept that I'm genuinely stupid and always have been


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accept alien tits instead


Kill me

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>What's really bizarre is this video used to play correctly a few years back, as I used to listen to this one quite frequently, then one day it was suddenly like this . . .


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So I've been very staunchly anti-Zionist and thought Israel was pretty evil in their genocide of the Palestinians but this really made me think. It's a quote from albert einstein. I never really took into consideration the reality that the Jews have always been exiled for centuries from pretty much everywhere and it gives reason to make Israel their homeland as it's the closest thing to a homeland they have. What do you guys think? I mean what with the western world becoming mixed with all different types of people and multicultural etc it seems Jews can just fit in here like the rest of us do with each other so i guess Einstein's way of thinking is outdated now that leftists in western power have opened the floodgateds of immigration and mass media has indoctrinated the collective consciousness into accepting everyone of any religious background race etc so they can just stay here, there isn't much anti semitism here but it seems to be growing because of internet racists. Anyway what do you guys think???? who's the bad guy? what's the right path??????????????????

>Long before the emergence of Hitler I made the cause of Zionism mine because through it I saw a means of correcting a flagrant wrong….The Jewish people alone has for centuries been in the anomalous position of being victimized and hounded as a people, though bereft of all the rights and protections which even the smallest people normally has…Zionism offered the means of ending this discrimination. Through the return to the land to which they were bound by close historic ties…Jews sought to abolish their pariah status among peoples… The advent of Hitler underscored with a savage logic all the disastrous implications contained in the abnormal situation in which Jews found themselves. Millions of Jews perished… because there was no spot on the globe where they could find sanctuary…The Jewish survivors demand the right to dwell amid brothers, on the ancient soil of their fathers."Letter to Jawaharlal Nehru, Prime Minister of India, June 13, 1947[20]


literally tl;dr

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You can't possibly think the way western women act is okay.


They act the same as western men do.

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Don't open this, it's disgusting.


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i think part of why my growth was stunted was that i lived with my aunt and cousins grandma for a year during my final growht spurt and they force fed me shitty food that actually made me gain weight for the first time in my life and become skinnyfat from tally lanklet. HGH is released when you eat less and if i just ate at my normal pace i'd probably have grown more, but over all the biggest contributer is probably the amphetamines and ssris/antipsychiotics

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Tell that guy to stop posting the alien girl fuck


I want to see the alien girl fuck (me).


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All you get is brown you dirty nigger lover.


Brown girls are seriously the best.


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Make me??


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Oh shit I just realized 02 is a Lala clone.


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alien invasion!


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/what/ - The Society for the Study of Extraterrestrial pOOsy


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Stop calling people who talk about suicide attention whores we are in pain and crying out for help before it overwhelms us and we do it


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/what/ is fuckiing unusable today becasue of this to love ru spam. Clean the shit up whatmin.


Yeah just rangebanned me againwhatmin


I'm able to "use" it if you know what I mean…


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/what/friends are hikkis and just stay at home all day.


Wouldn't they run away in time instantly anyway


What a bunch of losers!

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Me being sucked in by stupid
2 posts and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.


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Is this is a playable To Love Ru SM64 romhack?


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Thank you!

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I have calculated the least drawn numbers in the past year (1 through 43 are possible numbers). I have concluded that I will play the following numbers, over and over again: 09 24 30 37 43

I simply copy/pasted the entire table into a text file called lotto.

grep "[0-9][0-9] [0-9][0-9]" lotto

This gave me a nice list of all the numbers, like so:

01 08 10 19 40
11 20 24 29 42
07 14 17 20 36
02 04 06 26 34
12 13 20 26 38
Post too long. Click here to view the full text.


File: 1522718202519.png (444.03 KB, 720x540, 1466823795135.png)

You're in the prodromal phase of schizophrenia


What part of Jersey are you from whatmin


South south. Here is the numbers in order of occurrence.

30 occurred: 25
37 occurred: 31
43 occurred: 32
09 occurred: 33
24 occurred: 33
14 occurred: 35
12 occurred: 36
22 occurred: 36
34 occurred: 36
07 occurred: 37
05 occurred: 38
Post too long. Click here to view the full text.

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When I was in kindergarten my teacher said I wasn't smart because I couldn't even tie my shoes


Einstein couldn't.




I googled it but it seems like an urban legend I guess I really am a retard

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FUCK WOMEN i want to shoot up the nearest american school. WHY DONT THE GIRLS LIKE ME FUCK GOD


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