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The Society for the Study of Hairy pOOsy
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I'm never going to be liked and spontaneous and have friends or a gf

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Everyone hates me even I hate me


What is wrong exactly with evaluating yourself? With valuing yourself? The world is a cruel place and often you'll end up on your own. In that case, the only person who can love you is you.

We should all strive to become our own best friend, yet you seem to regard yourself as your own worst enemy. I do not understando.


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I don't hate you


I hate me too.

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I have to study




i cant focus!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HELPme!


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deprive yourself from everything fun for a few hours and then try to study.
I know its torture but this method works for me


I sort of kind of studied for like two hours but kept shitting on my phone and laptop in between. Dunno how I did hope he posts the grades today

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How do I get self discipline so I can study


but she had really nice features to begin with…


Pretty successful trap, looks better than most real girls.


fucking ignorant retard


/what/ is a no bully zone, mister.

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Sleeping at the airport is free…….


You can live there for years.


Don't you have to get past metal detectors with a plane ticket tho? This was my second choice of place to live after uni campus when I was homeless



Spirit airlines told a passenger she could bring her miniature hamster on board — then when she arrived, told her no, so, given the choice between being imprisoned and homeless for an indefinite amount of time in that airport – potentially missing classes – and getting out, she was forced to kill her therapy hamster.

The airline spokesjerk expressed shock that she killed her hamster, pretending that this wasn't compelled by the airline's decision. What else was she supposed to do?

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Gonna watch evangelism
7 posts and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.


Why would it be you stupid


They're literally just computers that go in your pocket


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Why use a computer in your pocket and not a regular one huh?
Are you working? Are you socialising? Are you stalking high school students?
Phone posters can't be trusted.


What if I am


This is why you should ban yourself, phone poster. Phone posters are responsible for all the terrible posts that are made.


the way she twirls her butt and then straightens out is cute and hot


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No I'm just lying in bed posting.

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It feels like Friday


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I wish.

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I read about this one!

He gets eaten I think!!


Where did you read about it?


None of your fucking business!


ignore the rude poster. i read it on on wikipedia


Whatmin, why did you censor this image?


These weebs are offended by 3D people, don't take it personally.


we need to destroy the source of the norms
cut them off from their power supply


Ia kokkou good


Holy fuck the neet shaming in this show


What do you mean? They're not shaming him for being a NEET.

They're actually giving the NEET a good meaningful depiction.


That's an affront to everything neetdom stands for.


Anyway seems like some super serious westaboo shit


Wtf I just noticed I typed ia instead of is whatmin are you editing my posts?????


I thought it was "Is" this entire time too.

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le chicken girl


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Le Zelda farm girl

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Whatmin how do I talk to people and stop being so fake

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I made cool stories in Wiggins in storyland and saved them on a 3 1/2 diskette

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Whatmin one of your users is following me around and bullying me

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The answer is blowing in the wind….

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