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The Society for the Study of Hairy pOOsy
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File: 1519076281897.gif (1.54 MB, 500x500, 812a86d0eef3c98734f0f0622d….gif)


Gonna watch evangelism


Is this your first time?


It's spelled "Evangelion".


I didn't write that my phone did


Ban yourself, phone poster!


Uh why


File: 1519121489054.jpg (66.49 KB, 621x703, 1488307553295.jpg)

Because phone posters are bad.


Is your phone the reason you are such a failure in life as well?


Why would it be you stupid


They're literally just computers that go in your pocket


File: 1519200618853.png (965.09 KB, 783x810, Chen 007.png)

Why use a computer in your pocket and not a regular one huh?
Are you working? Are you socialising? Are you stalking high school students?
Phone posters can't be trusted.


What if I am


This is why you should ban yourself, phone poster. Phone posters are responsible for all the terrible posts that are made.


the way she twirls her butt and then straightens out is cute and hot


File: 1519324910054.png (1.53 MB, 1054x1500, image.png)

No I'm just lying in bed posting.

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