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The Society for the Study of Hairy pOOsy
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File: 1521960697787.png (1.36 MB, 1000x1000, cover.png)


Throwaway account, but I have to just vent. I feel like a piece of shit. I'm unsure why, but I am so attracted to my boyfriend's cousin. I've known them both for 5+ years and don't get me wrong, I am in love with my boyfriend and I would marry him if he asked me tomorrow…. But…. I am attracted to his cousin. Like seriously. I wouldn't ever cheat on my boyfriend. But I think about being sexually involved with his cousin. If I don't see the cousin for a long time, I don't feel that way. But when we hang out, or afterwards, the feelings arise. There are no issues in the relationship with my boyfriend, but sometimes I feel like the things my boyfriend is lacking are the things his cousin has. Maybe it's just me.. Maybe I'm the shit person. Does that make me a horrible person? Is this something I should discuss with the boyfriend or should I just keep it a secret and try to forget about? Should I break up with my boyfriend and just be single and forget about them both??? I feel like fucking shit about the entire thing.


That a nice picture it caught my eye, very aesthetic for me


File: 1521998194396.png (77.11 KB, 282x193, 604ee16bf5169f3cbd3bc53c57….png)

I think you just have a ridiculously low libido and have never experienced this before OP, but it is not terribly uncommon.
Boys are attracted to 50% of the girls they ever see but they still manage to have the self control to stay loyal to their gf.
It's fine and normal to be attracted to people you're not in a relationship as long as you know the difference between what your mind wants and what your body wants, and you have a minimum level of self-control.


Thanks that helped me

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