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File: 1738518060867.webm (1.02 MB, 1280x720, SNEED FEED AND SEED Luna ….webm)


Suneedo feedo ando seedo


File: 1738518077343.jpg (215.65 KB, 946x946, 0ec6d3aa25658465c65f80a945….jpg)


File: 1738525593836.jpg (246.5 KB, 1002x1005, 0f30d56084cd7c4c65ebf14e4c….jpg)

le 4channer artist


File: 1738530180386.webm (1.79 MB, 576x1024, 1655807485446.webm)

found footage


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File: 1739339518098.webm (3.48 MB, 284x506, 1701921596095083.webm)

File: 1737864180541.mp4 (10.29 MB, 1080x1920, 4(6).mp4)


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File: 1738634830989.webm (1.23 MB, 1252x720, 1646941929043.webm)


File: 1738642729632.webm (3.77 MB, 1280x720, 1643819531802.webm)

I drive.
It's what I do.


File: 1738867464926.mp4 (4.73 MB, 480x854, candied turtle.mp4)


china is a distinct civilization


File: 1739339306264.webm (2.7 MB, 720x720, 1701804264941335.webm)

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File: 1738657390706.mp4 (7.31 MB, 720x720, 31. 黄金の花火.mp4)

Holy soul overdose

Sounds like Gackt


File: 1738946344168.webm (4.69 MB, 1280x720, 1738833048074.webm)

ok so god doesn't approve of sodomy this goes for oral, anal and any other perversions devised by us mortals but then again god also created us in his own image what gives


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The bible actually doesn't explicitly forbid anal or oral sex, just gay sex.


File: 1739036139890.webm (3.31 MB, 640x360, 1739034432722.webm)


File: 1739298628748.mp4 (7.97 MB, 720x720, 23. Red Plays the Game -ぶっ….mp4)

Another banger, I don't understand a word other than "red pray the game, yeaaaah"

File: 1739273963561.webm (3.62 MB, 640x360, 1738939524794.webm)


this is fairly difficult actually

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Cutlet Sandwich


does it hurt anime girls to pick them up by their antennae


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Animebytes album of the week, DJ Shrapnel p2p (2001)


File: 1739257740489.mp3 (12.51 MB, 02 DJ SHARPNEL - CO・CO・RO.mp3)

Toshokan Library OP remix from this


File: 1739270068090.jpg (2.48 MB, 2600x2000, 1619903151374.jpg)

back cover is based on the original winmx ui and media player classic

File: 1739231810020.webm (22.68 MB, 1280x720, anarcho-syndicalist commu….webm)




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How many victimless crimes existed back then, aside from talking shit about the king or the church.

File: 1739137514570.webm (2.94 MB, 1920x1080, And The Army Goes Rolling….webm)


whatmin what's your opinion on the reintroduction of conscription
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File: 1739150786273.webm (14.6 MB, 954x720, AZOV.webm)

i meant in the context of US reintroducing conscription
it was a bait thread to make you go on a tirade anyway and i wanted to post the song because it's catchy

>If you're Taliban you're fighting off imperial colonization, okay fine that makes sense.

uhhh i'm pretty sure the ukranians are doing exactly that


File: 1739157824431.jpg (705.33 KB, 2420x2420, 1685548304684.jpg)

>uhhh i'm pretty sure the ukranians are doing exactly that

No, they are the guys killing each other to decide what rich guy will get the last slice of pizza.

Pizza = Ukraine
Rich guy 1 = USA/capitalists
Rich guy 2 = Russia/capitalists

Putin is right that Ukraine is a fake gay country.

Mongols -> Cossacks -> Austria/Ottoman/Russia -> Soviet Union -> "Ukraine"

This is the actual history of that region

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you're just regurgitating russian propaganda talking points
ukraine has always been a distinctive historical entity and just because they were ruled by foreign polities throughout history doesn't mean that the people themselves magically disappeared
i also think you also fail to understand that the concept of a national identity as we know it today really come into place during the 19th, early 20th century, and loyalties before that were personal (i.e. to a sovereign)
anyway, take for example latvia and estonia, which after being ruled by various empires only started to exist as nominally independent countries in the 20th century after the collapse of the russian empire, and were then forcibly reabsorbed by the ussr to finally achieve independence in the 90s, are they fake countries too and should they just roll over to russia because there are russian minorities living there?

>"Ukraine" didn't exist at all until 1917 communist revolution where it was just a region of the USSR.

>"Ukraine" was invented after the collapse of the USSR in the early 90s.

again, russian propaganda talking points that are factually incorrect
after the revolution the Ukrainian People's Republic was a distinct independent polity which was anti-bolshevik and was only absorbed into the USSR proper in 1920
also, during the german invasion in ww2 ukrainian nationalists collaborated with the germans and fought against the ussr because they wanted independence, but i guess that doesn't count either and they were retroactively created by le evil american capitalists in the 90s to weaken the glorious soviet union


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im with whatmin on this one but ultimately i support all mutual slavnigger destruction russians, ukrainians, balkans, poolacks you name it what's the difference


are you the kiwi


what polanball are you on int whatmin


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File: 1739161594020.jpg (539.85 KB, 3365x2122, bazzite.jpg)

dont like distro forks unless they are on https://nosystemd.org/


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This shutdown. I don't even know what like 30% of those are, it includes OpenWRT as if that isn't designed for routers.


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was interesting when it was announced but slowly faded into something rather lackluster


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File: 1738235740700.jpg (494.71 KB, 1280x1823, 01.jpg)


NHK doujin just dropped
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when will my misaki save me from crippling loneliness


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File: 1738706449942.webm (1.45 MB, 1920x1080, 1738668667757.webm)


山 but japan


File: 1739159926157.webm (3.11 MB, 1280x720, 1738737847425.webm)

Why is japan like this

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