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i run a self-hosted xmpp, matrix, and email server despite having no one to talk to
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self-hosted mumble server
no microphone or friends


i only speak to people older than me


i'm pretty old…


trying to setup znc and irssi

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Replaying Metaphor
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The Beatles - Penny Lane


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Dude Majora's Mask


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Playing Japanese audio you hear a lot of religious stuff that was removed

Eupha summons "Vishnu" not "Deity", cleric is priesto, etc.


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whatmin its time to stream

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>whatmin's sensibilities: the song


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Are they subtlety trying to draw comparisons between the gospel narrative and communist thought?

I would actually say there's very little to nothing in the gospel that I could draw comparisons to.

The direct quotes from Jesus are mostly about the workings of a non-physical realm explained in Earthly metaphors (it's like rising bread… it's like a seed… etc.)


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how is referring to the 12 apostles as a "working committee of 12" and framing the entire Jesus narrative as a class struggle "subtle"


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anway whatmin what have you done in your life to advance the cause of worker's liberty


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I get it, but the gospel itself really doesn't have anything of the sort, the narrative is very distant from all Earthly matters in general.

The closest thing I could think of is sort of the opposite, the jew clergy asks Jesus if you should pay taxes (to Caeser), and he says yes.

It's pronounced Yuluis Kaeser btw.


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idk early christian communities were pretty egalitarian and communal in nature

>It's pronounced Yuluis Kaeser btw

i know, but veni vidi viki will never sound good even if that's how classical latin sounded like

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Catalog working.
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We have 7 entire pages now.


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so what, i always felt the only reason catalog became a thing because 4chan speeds made using the index basically unusable due to how fast threads got bumped

anyway it doesn't seem it's actually updating when new posts are made


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fix archivum catalogus


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what were the posts

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merorin was here, you guys are faggots


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And even in the case that they are betas like me they almost always have a high degree of self awareness.


Basically what I'm saying schizo is that since you model yourself after women and alphas it's time for you to become a lolicon.


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Scared of women


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K-pop too


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This girl is cute I like her design.
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Stellar Blade


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whatmin can you please tell me what to think about the new firefox TOS i can't be bothered actually reading it
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>Firefox by default sends a ridiculous amount of data
like what and give practical reasons why one should be concerned about it


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just ignore it lol


literally why did you delete all your posts in this thread i didn't even manage to read the second one properly do you wish for me to keep being spied on by the mozilla foundation tardmin


My responses were too wordy and opinionated.

Mozilla already did this stuff, the ToS changes nothing. Configure Firefox to be silent.

mkdir ~/.mozilla/firefox/silent
cd ~/.mozilla/firefox/silent
wget https://git.nixnet.services/Narsil/desktop_user.js/raw/branch/master/user.js
sudo echo " firefox.settings.services.mozilla.com" >> /etc/hosts
firefox -p


they changed phrasing now but dang i want to use gnu icecat again had it on android

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NHK doujin just dropped
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goth osaka


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NEETs are growing stronger.


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being ronely is giving me delusions

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internet relay chat may seem like a relic of the past but its far from extinction


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Then why did people actually use it, and every software had one and I got tech support on their channels, but only in the past.


are you having a stroke again


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"This software has a Discord".

No it doesn't mean have they have a Discord chat integrated into the software.

I obviously meant "every software had an IRC" in this same sense.


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