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File: 1734094764100.webm (2.38 MB, 1280x720, 1734034946005.webm)






File: 1734132028792.jpg (146.57 KB, 750x1000, ok boomer 1734030830911.jpg)


wish i was a girl




crazy how much more into it the left one is

File: 1734213903456.mp4 (1.15 MB, 460x816, 5107203838545235717.mp4)


/what/ does your mom ever make ginger fries



File: 1733134387119.jpg (395.61 KB, 1912x1036, mpv-The.Graduates.2007.108….jpg)


3 posts and 3 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


File: 1733210081517.webm (2.66 MB, 853x480, fPIo.webm)


File: 1733216520487.png (275.53 KB, 1600x1200, 1733019212277375.png)

All legitimate UFO sightings are foreign intelligence devices from China.

Obviously these are classified and have more advanced capabilities than is known to US intelligence, they just can't accept they're 40 years behind China and would sooner think it's fucking ayyliens. End of story. It is not extraterrestrial life.


File: 1733217889174.jpg (125.76 KB, 1024x1024, 1732483388893611.jpg)

Thank you I'm not good at resisting psyops


feel too often the internet is reading my thoughts
some shit just too on the nose
this is concerning


The drones are from Archer Aviation, they're automated passenger drone busses, and you can see examples on their website.

The stock has been up over 100% the past week, it's obviously not so "secret" to some people…

The CEO also just sold a ton of his shares yesterday.

File: 1733849156319.webm (67.17 KB, 400x400, niahaha.webm)


merorin was here, you niggers are faggots


File: 1733873819971.jpg (131.24 KB, 1920x1080, 4678325e10b74d65e822178246….jpg)

that side character girl from hayate no gotoku whose name i can't even remember or what her gimmick even was…


File: 1733918245945.jpg (288.86 KB, 1920x1080, 022ec176593a4a221302f7f266….jpg)

calm down charlesy

File: 1729812522892.mp4 (22.64 MB, 640x480, out.mp4)


11 posts and 11 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


File: 1731800491451.mp4 (20.09 MB, 720x480, Girl all the bad guys want.mp4)

(Read or Die OVA)


File: 1731804496392.mp4 (28.37 MB, 640x480, the unlikely hero.mp4)

Did you know you can't replicate the 2000s lowpass filter in modern day?

You can't make audio sound this shitty anymore, it's a lost technology.

Application : Windows Movie Maker 2.0.3312.0
WMFSDKVersion :
WMFSDKNeeded :
artist : omega magician of black chaos
title : the unlikely hero
IsVBR : 0



File: 1733347165293.webm (11.21 MB, 640x480, Lucky Star-All I Want For….webm)


File: 1733847917517.webm (9.87 MB, 960x540, good to be back.webm)

I really like this one.

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File: 1733017599099.png (52.41 KB, 1735x173, lol.png)


guess the hosting company location




File: 1733028590007.jpg (220.81 KB, 1400x920, sample-7e788e8addc767d38c0….jpg)

For sure the US, but I'm gonna guess Utah (Mormons)


it's actually… hong kong…
apparently 13% of the population is christian
they're probably super hardcore given they are surrounded by a godless state atheism commie country that de-facto took over


my country isnt particularly religious
christianity is for the elderly, islanders, parallel society cults like the bretheren and surprisingly chinese and koreans

File: 1732233983707.webp (31.36 KB, 736x736, 1731856668128.webp)


5 posts and 3 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


ogg me bone


File: 1732460890120.webm (755.28 KB, 726x720, 1708862765068.webm)

gnfos used to support a plethora of file formats including popular hits like ogg, mp3, avi and swf

>unknown file format

>invalid webm uploaded

no an invalid set it up this way


File: 1732476340523.webp (57.11 KB, 1070x950, IMG_5960.webp)


You can't even play this in a fucking browser


something i've wondered about tinyboard can you link the file instead of uploading a new copy when the file already exists on the server let's say i know https://what-ch.mooo.com/2016what/src/1460118247211.jpg has already been uploaded to ota's server and i want to share it again without editing the image and uploading another duplicate would that be possible?


no you are going to get banned for 9 months by genius for posting a link
on a more serious note i'm not entirely sure what you are asking, ota doesn't allow duplicate files so there's really no way for the same image to posted and appear inline again

File: 1732727429453.jpg (1.05 MB, 814x1200, 1731872230709.jpg)


did a few dozen squats and now i have this sizzle in my pizzle


File: 1732771091129.jpg (263.88 KB, 948x1000, sample-774104b834b6e2b2704….jpg)

I don't skip leg day because I don't do leg day.


I mean what's the point, unless that bro science about unlocking testosterone from activating leg muscles is true


File: 1732816097746.gif (1.5 MB, 335x974, 1732454938682259.gif)

i don't fare well in the thinking department people say you should train all of your body so i do

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once upon a time


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File: 1732583382128.jpg (356.08 KB, 1079x1280, 1732518857874.jpg)

I thought it was the toilet for number 3


thought it was a salaryman in the second pic

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