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File: 1730928015865.webm (1.49 MB, 1280x720, 1726982861363.webm)


somebody won

wasn't me though


File: 1730929833901.mp4 (493.11 KB, 720x764, last vote.mp4)

File: 1730670784882.png (1.9 MB, 1920x1080, my_gf.png)


whatmin why worry about software and hardware backdoors and compromised package maintainers when your very computer components were most likely laced with explosives during manufacture and are ready to be remotely detonated at any point?
2 posts and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.


File: 1730688291250.jpg (184.06 KB, 621x513, 1125e2b79300abf20ab8a4a403….jpg)

I want to move to a tent in the Sonoran desert now.

Most of the Sonoran desert has a nice climate year round, lots of sun year round for solar power, it's one of the wettest deserts so rain collection and digging up water in arroyos is actually viable, and it has tons of edible cactus fruit, mesquite trees, etc. You can basically dust bathe, dry desert sand on your skin and hair makes you dry and dusty, but you won't be grimy or greasy. Will keep all my hair trimmed close.

I won't be too far away from a store or cell service. Switching to laptop and USB or 12v powered devices only, or gas powered fire source, I'll charge up battery banks with solar. Will try to have everything as portable and minimal as possible, so it can fit on my back, everything possible will be foldable or collapsible, like foldable solar panels.


the desert dweller


File: 1730716114747.png (24.75 KB, 336x193, "nice climate".png)

how about you just keep living in your mom's house instead of dying of heat stroke


It's dry heat that's fine if you're in shade.


is there a lot of shade in the sonoran desert
the inside of the tent would end up being like a million degrees probably

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File: 1730571064061.jpg (966.08 KB, 2560x1440, 2024-11-02-025836_2560x144….jpg)

I can't beat him and now I'm gay wtf


how are you not bored of souls games yet literally every game is the same


I have no plans to replay any in the near future, I just haven't been able to beat Radahn and Miquella since it came out, felt like trying again.



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tits, arse


File: 1730116771741.webm (4.38 MB, 1280x720, 1729749317089.webm)


buttmin's gonna move you to /butt/


File: 1730182258034.jpg (257.52 KB, 600x850, butt 1727607215878.jpg)

Move this


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moving on

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File: 1730023620495.jpg (628.8 KB, 1240x1754, F7_wkOFbAAAC1_V.jpg)

birthday boy


File: 1730039855982.webm (2.75 MB, 960x1200, sphere hunter 17280406764….webm)

This is him now


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havent had any party since i think 13
actually rented a ps2 for the weekend
the food sucked and was worse than in that image

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i renewed the server for another year whatmin


File: 1730041425712.jpg (1.7 MB, 2846x4093, gamestop 1727538958184.jpg)

Are Japanese Gamestops really like this?

File: 1729862353928.jpg (232.8 KB, 1239x1239, 1729855526151.jpg)


sweet /what/boyos emporium


File: 1729862930585.png (1.36 MB, 1637x1637, 1513245661657.png)

do /what/birls even still exist
they must be all way past their expiration date at this point…


Moved to >>>/butt/1.

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my screenshot turns 10 years old today




sigh even whatmin will be 30 soon where did all the time go


all struggle is against impermanence

File: 1726610047225.jpg (69.69 KB, 640x665, 1726519474163052.jpg)


Dead board


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where did all the whomos go


post the link on ota already whatmin

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whatmin i thought you died


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are you the real kagura poster


File: 1725828409008.png (357.51 KB, 704x528, kaggy-chan.png)




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