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File: 1732233983707.webp (31.36 KB, 736x736, 1731856668128.webp)


5 posts and 3 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


ogg me bone


File: 1732460890120.webm (755.28 KB, 726x720, 1708862765068.webm)

gnfos used to support a plethora of file formats including popular hits like ogg, mp3, avi and swf

>unknown file format

>invalid webm uploaded

no an invalid set it up this way


File: 1732476340523.webp (57.11 KB, 1070x950, IMG_5960.webp)


You can't even play this in a fucking browser


something i've wondered about tinyboard can you link the file instead of uploading a new copy when the file already exists on the server let's say i know https://what-ch.mooo.com/2016what/src/1460118247211.jpg has already been uploaded to ota's server and i want to share it again without editing the image and uploading another duplicate would that be possible?


no you are going to get banned for 9 months by genius for posting a link
on a more serious note i'm not entirely sure what you are asking, ota doesn't allow duplicate files so there's really no way for the same image to posted and appear inline again

File: 1732727429453.jpg (1.05 MB, 814x1200, 1731872230709.jpg)


did a few dozen squats and now i have this sizzle in my pizzle


File: 1732771091129.jpg (263.88 KB, 948x1000, sample-774104b834b6e2b2704….jpg)

I don't skip leg day because I don't do leg day.


I mean what's the point, unless that bro science about unlocking testosterone from activating leg muscles is true


File: 1732816097746.gif (1.5 MB, 335x974, 1732454938682259.gif)

i don't fare well in the thinking department people say you should train all of your body so i do

File: 1732576675798.jpg (87.05 KB, 720x562, 1732192261170.jpg)


once upon a time


File: 1732576708710.jpg (291.82 KB, 1280x1077, 1732021109181.jpg)


File: 1732576740628.jpg (105.36 KB, 720x554, 1732192333386.jpg)


File: 1732583382128.jpg (356.08 KB, 1079x1280, 1732518857874.jpg)

I thought it was the toilet for number 3


thought it was a salaryman in the second pic

File: 1729783157039.jpg (345.34 KB, 1160x1800, 1729680811846.jpg)


6 posts and 5 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.




File: 1732592318253.jpg (464.81 KB, 2381x1340, 1723589828046.jpg)


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File: 1732593153932.jpg (109.42 KB, 850x850, 1720743110762.jpg)


File: 1732624207930.jpg (190.64 KB, 1308x980, 1725897260555.jpg)

some weapon design seems like it would be incredibly difficult to master and still be extremely dangerous to yield

File: 1732309302896.jpg (104.78 KB, 974x946, 8f5527495f4fd883edd9b3c46b….jpg)


3 posts and 2 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


File: 1732377737167.webm (3.95 MB, 640x360, 1731946032094.webm)



File: 1732383239236.webm (4.87 MB, 1280x720, oh mai gotto.webm)

chinese really sounds awful


File: 1732385551059.webm (1.24 MB, 708x480, 169.webm)

still leagues better than subhuman slavnigger ooga booga grunting have they never heard of this thing called vowels before?


anyway doesn't mandarin literally have like two vowels, most slavic languages have five or six


File: 1732519553431.jpg (537.55 KB, 1152x927, 1702590884299.jpg)

File: 1731844811900.webp (65.88 KB, 600x425, 45282871_p0_master1200.webp)


It's seriously back?
Why did nobody tell me
At least you could've had the courtesy and post a news post on your sister site merorin!


leave it to meromin to advertise his site on a board that's slower even than his


File: 1731852194736.webp (146.75 KB, 539x1200, 50964003_p0_master1200.webp)

I get like 0.7 posts a day
I'll take what I can get


File: 1732308660974.jpg (246.18 KB, 2250x3396, 1732293920734925.jpg)

Post on merorin or else…

File: 1732235073648.png (2.66 MB, 1920x1080, vlcsnap-2024-10-11-22h51m3….png)


do you want more posts. I can hook you up with an imageboard that rhymes with issu


File: 1732235376837.png (58.4 KB, 1371x111, firefox_ehzRoqMeg2.png)

well it's not like you can stop the inevitable anyways


File: 1732237365407.webm (3.25 MB, 320x568, 1732174725936.webm)


File: 1731357354184.jpg (97.77 KB, 680x405, 1731312038964.jpg)


/jp/ be like


never played a vn in my life


What about Persona?


lol no the only japanese game i've played was pes with the lads


File: 1731849770378.jpg (331.96 KB, 720x713, 1731792303358.jpg)

Tumblrsky be like

File: 1731810071454.png (1.05 MB, 719x813, 974a10b0245d0fa663eb01f84b….png)


did you know headphones and speakers act as microphones as well you can literally plug them into a microphone jack and you'll be able to record sound via them this is how the CIA wiretaps you


i have tried this
it worked extremely poorly, basically had to shout into them
but that was with large cans

File: 1731744492480.webm (3.12 MB, 742x988, 1731739945481.webm)


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