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File: 1729212074133.jpg (364.73 KB, 1920x1080, a03dbb9bef7fdd98eeb6f6b464….jpg)


i run a self-hosted xmpp, matrix, and email server despite having no one to talk to
13 posts and 7 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


File: 1730543009280.png (120.96 KB, 671x513, image.png)

wow you really are japanese you are even posting sjis art
you can use sjis tags like this and the art won't look messed up


/ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
      | is that really what&how you want to talk about?
      \_  ______
                    / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
        ∧_∧        | no wonder no one responding
       ( ´∀`)       /へ._______
       (    っ-~ ∧ ∧
 ( ・∀・ )        ヽ⊂  ヽ
 (    つヽ、    ∧_∧\ ノ~
  し__) \  ニニ(    ). \    / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
        || ̄ ̄ (    ) ̄||   < no offence
            (__○ノ       \________
Post too long. Click here to view the full text.


いいえ いいえ 、ありがとう
why don't you just enable mona or gothic font for everythin ?


/ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
      | pussy!!
      \_  ______
                    / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
        ∧_∧        | shat me dipe
       ( ´∀`)       /へ._______
       (    っ-~ ∧ ∧
 ( ・∀・ )        ヽ⊂  ヽ
 (    つヽ、    ∧_∧\ ノ~
  し__) \  ニニ(    ). \    / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
        || ̄ ̄ (    ) ̄||   < mom got mexican
            (__○ノ       \________
Post too long. Click here to view the full text.


File: 1730681253404.png (1.55 MB, 1088x878, ba94960da60059b2adc91666e8….png)

got two friend requests on matrix they were both bots that didn't respond at all after adding me
i don't get how they got a hold of my handle, maybe because i joined a public server for like 15 seconds

File: 1730116727115.webm (3.02 MB, 1920x1088, 1730085950831.webm)


tits, arse


File: 1730116771741.webm (4.38 MB, 1280x720, 1729749317089.webm)


buttmin's gonna move you to /butt/


File: 1730182258034.jpg (257.52 KB, 600x850, butt 1727607215878.jpg)

Move this


File: 1730218461509.webm (1.95 MB, 854x480, 1730204672761.webm)

moving on

File: 1730019196423.jpg (283.94 KB, 1632x1232, birthday.jpg)



File: 1730023620495.jpg (628.8 KB, 1240x1754, F7_wkOFbAAAC1_V.jpg)

birthday boy


File: 1730039855982.webm (2.75 MB, 960x1200, sphere hunter 17280406764….webm)

This is him now


File: 1730073619469.jpg (846.5 KB, 1920x1080, aso.jpg)

havent had any party since i think 13
actually rented a ps2 for the weekend
the food sucked and was worse than in that image

File: 1725993961130.jpg (168.54 KB, 1199x848, 898dcf390a25d9518fb10e801a….jpg)



File: 1728603528711.jpg (135.34 KB, 1067x1000, sample-61deabb795cfccb451e….jpg)


File: 1728691460129.jpg (278.05 KB, 1920x1080, cf86dd2546edd11d75bb157bc5….jpg)

i renewed the server for another year whatmin


File: 1730041425712.jpg (1.7 MB, 2846x4093, gamestop 1727538958184.jpg)

Are Japanese Gamestops really like this?

File: 1728772414831.jpg (1.96 MB, 2894x4093, 9f7bad559a6771ce0f20e5bc8a….jpg)


ran out of snus now jonesing for a fix dammit
i flippin ordered real early but it got presumably stolen at the border and never arrived
should get a refund and sent again but that will take another two flippin weeks or so
7 posts and 4 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


File: 1729454197777.jpg (143.47 KB, 850x711, cat ears 3648ec9174c1fe4d6….jpg)


File: 1729676398503.jpeg (83.28 KB, 510x680, 1712344163870.jpeg)


File: 1729846781199.jpg (95.65 KB, 1280x720, _.jpg)

my sennheiser 595s finally croaked after using every day since 07
loved those 'phones
ordered some 599s hopefully theyre the same as im familiar very much at this point to the feel and sound
dislike 'phones with punchy bass and too much crispness


File: 1729882497227.jpg (103.31 KB, 1280x1029, di..jpg)

Sony MDR 7506 still costs just under $100 like they did even pre-COVID.


File: 1731886787662.jpg (483.83 KB, 1872x2448, 1726327755796.jpg)

File: 1729862353928.jpg (232.8 KB, 1239x1239, 1729855526151.jpg)


sweet /what/boyos emporium


File: 1729862930585.png (1.36 MB, 1637x1637, 1513245661657.png)

do /what/birls even still exist
they must be all way past their expiration date at this point…


Moved to >>>/butt/1.

File: 1729041074237.png (63.04 KB, 1023x635, what.png)


my screenshot turns 10 years old today




sigh even whatmin will be 30 soon where did all the time go


all struggle is against impermanence

File: 1726610047225.jpg (69.69 KB, 640x665, 1726519474163052.jpg)


Dead board


File: 1726610248858.jpg (172.8 KB, 850x1062, 1726320632396.jpg)


where did all the whomos go


post the link on ota already whatmin

File: 1725775670442.png (292.11 KB, 668x537, f0eaaf8b413f934fc762f40fa9….png)


whatmin i thought you died


File: 1725783435642.png (552.61 KB, 760x576, 2386202c1a04110c8fda65ed79….png)

are you the real kagura poster


File: 1725828409008.png (357.51 KB, 704x528, kaggy-chan.png)




File: 1725299286260.gif (997.69 KB, 500x301, 2178786a840b2672af23751b8d….gif)


5 posts and 4 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


File: 1725525385727.png (1.97 MB, 1920x1080, 55983279dd6b497fca3c4fa477….png)

maybe it would be a good idea have others know about this place now…


File: 1725541128799.gif (3.55 MB, 624x352, gamer f7b2e3a9cd638eb1f505….gif)

Sure just post it on ot-


it's over


nen is up and thats a direct ota spinoff..

oh wow are you someone other than whatmin and me? i'm sure otamin will realize the site is broken after he checks on it next week


yeah what's up

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