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File: 1737892178909.jpg (210.6 KB, 971x1000, sample-66f91397668bd8770e5….jpg)


Catalog working.


File: 1737892284959.jpg (96.59 KB, 474x466, floigan bros.jpg)

ayo, real quick,
lemme drop a dime on ya…

we name is Floigan, that's F to da N,
we come talkin' bout bidness, cuz we ain't no fren

we got dogs in da yard, and a big ol' spliff,
bouta pipe down some shawtys with dem big ol' hips

we got Colt in the can, and a 9 in the hand,
and now it's bout time ya hear da master plan…

we come from the past, to bring some news,
"Floigan Bros. here to fight the jews!"

Post too long. Click here to view the full text.


why would you even need one


File: 1737905397768.jpg (1.04 MB, 992x1652, 1636957143713.jpg)

We have 7 entire pages now.


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so what, i always felt the only reason catalog became a thing because 4chan speeds made using the index basically unusable due to how fast threads got bumped

anyway it doesn't seem it's actually updating when new posts are made


File: 1737978451956.jpg (Spoiler Image, 73.13 KB, 849x581, 1737800127805.jpg)

fix archivum catalogus

File: 1737604810479.jpg (1.05 MB, 3840x2160, 1656478714820.jpg)


11 posts and 4 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


>nuh uh
great argument


but everyone knows it's some thirdie from serbia who runs this place


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I have root access with SSH, admin on Vichan, and I (and only I) fully control the domain.

But I don't host the server.





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what is our old friend dani boy up to nowadays

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merorin was here, you guys are faggots
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File: 1737399850138.jpg (146.65 KB, 800x1200, 1737381177803.jpg)

ok I'll try go easy on me


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I feel like I'm the only one posting there…


seeing a lot of screencaps and art from this season perhaps I should dive back into japanimation


what the hell are you talking about this season is especially bad


perhaps read it again i am talking about this season

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Imagine if you will a woman in the force


I'd prefer it every single one of them was female, why would you want your enemy to be stronger or smarter?

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whatmin when will the technological singularity happen so we can all start living in fully automated luxury communism i can't stand my job anymore
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i liked the tomoko getting futa doubled team pic more……..


i love futa award


yes they are "technically" dropping dei because it's been replaced with something else with a different acronym


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does this look like trump? it looks like a different person


Yes? If that's a doppelganger that's the best one there is.

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Uh oh
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whatmin posted about his mom's macbook itt but he deleted the post in the meantime
looking at earlier threads he deleted a bunch of his other posts too

why is he so autistic?

what did you do


accidentally deleted both nvidia and nouveau and for some reason they had something to do with the network drivers idk maybe because those were intel


nta my recent mistake was rm -rf my /home by accident but ctrl+c within 3 seconds to avoid losing all my files then dd cloning to new drive except everything left on /home wasnt clone so i lost everything on /home thanks to btrfs


File: 1737565057934.jpg (520.63 KB, 707x1000, autism coded image.jpg)

The only way you can delete GPU drivers to result in no display, is if you edit them out of the kernel and compile it.

Something else is wrong.

Just am.


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File: 1737496037859.webm (19.51 MB, 1280x720, Shenmue II: Izumi Fight [….webm)


Could you beat Izumi in a fight?


what tekken character is this again?
anyway those QTEs look annoying as fuck


Actually it's Virtua Fighter

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Hate it when this happens


File: 1737353599307.webm (2.88 MB, 3840x2160, 1737194896066.webm)

Don't you just hate when you just sort of like die and then you're you know dead?


they should have used fake blood




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Can I say tranny there?




what the piss



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