actual schizophrenia time video was posted 2 years ago claiming to be work done in unreal engine. i remember because i literally opened downloaded unreal immediately after the video while it was still open in my tab
i have unreal installed still 2 years later but i never had interest in unity and never downloaded it
fast forward to today this same exact video is labeled as unity3d instead with a reference to a video that no longer exists of the "ceo of unity" (was origin the ceo of unreal) reacting to the video
maybe it's just a scam of the channels part, but if you look at the comments it's full of people from two years ago posting about unity and not unreal
so it wasn't just a title change
all the comments are edited as well.
please one of you tell me you saw the same video
there is no way i imagined this
this video played a huge role in my interest of 3d modeling. there is no possible way i got confused and mixed up unity3d and unreal while still staring at the video in my tab and downloading unreal