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whatmin how bad of an idea security wise would be to buy one of those bing dong chiling good value too multi-nic mini-pcs from alibaba and use it as my firewall/router


File: 1740704531030.webm (10.89 MB, 640x480, [FMA] She Was Dead [VgCCA….webm)

Hook it up to an OpenWRT router or any other router with a packet sniffer and see if it's sending packets

If it's sending packets to bing.chilling.beijing.com you know it's comped, if it's sending nothing it's secure.


but the chinaman will get my money by then
and besides, what if it remains dormant and only phones home after a while

anyway, it's not just the price that makes this tempting, it seems like non-china brands have more or less exited the mini-pc market and guang-dong brands are the only ones who bother to actually add multiple ethernet ports to their offerings


love chacha20-poly1305


BLAY C-17 97TH AMW, Altus AFB OK

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thinking of getting a new vacuum
im thinking the miele complete c3 pet
its expensive but good things are
the current vac is some el cheapo bagless piece of shit


I thought Dyson was the luxury brand

Give me the run down vacuum otaku


dyson and all bagless vacuums are shit
shark is anti repair parts are expensive
bissell is meme



i think they were the first with the cyclonic bagless which was novel at the time but now its just normal
they never filter as well as a bagged and the filter always blocks up quicker
theyre also loud
the thing with modern bags is they are not just paper they are special polyester fabric that work a lot better and protect the final filter
miele's are made in germany and i used one once and it was pretty nice
i mean bags are a cost but not that much really


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What about a broom


in new zealand most houses have wall to wall carpeting
probably one of the countries where it is most common
although hard flooring has become more fashionable of late
growing up even the bathroom was carpeted

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Require not ip
Require not ip
Require not ip
Require not ip
Require not ip

Feel when banning an entire AS


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is this because of that thread from yesterday
i thought the retards behind the spam forgot about this place but i guess not, was this the first thread ever since what was back?

also, who is this girl


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Adri, artist is homunculus100, actual FtM trans with an amputation fetish among others. Got bullied off the internet and deleted their accounts.

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/jp/ be like
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SCHIZO I need you to rate my taste for me


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Is this acceptable??


rated t for teen


I'm 30. What am I supposed to like? Yuri shit and vtubers?


more like touhous and gender dysphoria

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i understand dislike bias and the policy with against it but pissu staff is mentally stunted about it years later even with frogs im personally fine with either depending on context


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oats hates pissteens too the only person he somewhat tolerates is trevor


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i miss 4taba


Extremely silly creatures

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actual schizophrenia time
this video was posted 2 years ago claiming to be work done in unreal engine. i remember because i literally opened downloaded unreal immediately after the video while it was still open in my tab
i have unreal installed still 2 years later but i never had interest in unity and never downloaded it
fast forward to today this same exact video is labeled as unity3d instead with a reference to a video that no longer exists of the "ceo of unity" (was origin the ceo of unreal) reacting to the video

maybe it's just a scam of the channels part, but if you look at the comments it's full of people from two years ago posting about unity and not unreal
so it wasn't just a title change
all the comments are edited as well.

please one of you tell me you saw the same video
there is no way i imagined this
this video played a huge role in my interest of 3d modeling. there is no possible way i got confused and mixed up unity3d and unreal while still staring at the video in my tab and downloading unreal
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pretty sure the whole concord failure thing was staged for some reason
i also think they intentionally made starwars bad to set the stage and get people in a more hostile mindset


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saw a post on v and i couldn't tell if the guy was making fun of me or not


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never mind i actually just forgot what thread i was in
doesn't mean they're not bots tho


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not a fan of star wars by any means but watched that nu-star wars the one with the black guy and the foid as mains in it a while back
i gave up after 45 minutes or so not because it was bad i just wasnt interested in watching it any longer but to me it seemed like perfectly in the vein of star wars if not better than the orignals

in fact the originals come off as kinda camp and cheesy by modern standards honestly dont know why soys get their britches all tangled over such pulp entertainment


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>JPEG images can include an embedded thumbnail image, along with the camera/software metadata.
>Sometimes the thumbnail doesn't match the full-size picture (because it wasn't updated after editing, or because of shenanigans).
Saving this image gives you a surprise. This is the original image that was saved on danbooru almost 20 years ago.
Saving this image from 4chan however no longer gives you the same surprise it once did. This is because 4chan edits the image and this changes the exif data somehow.
So what meta files are they adding to the images?


File: 1739651289667.jpg (2.88 KB, 109x120, Untitled.jpg)

It's this, if anyone is wondering.

I didn't know JPG had a dedicated EXIF thumbnail at all.



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pretty sure they remove exif data to prevent accidental doxxing on all boards except /p/hotography
this update happened around 2018~

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Actually watched the Pon Pon Pon music for the first time, it is the final boss of 2000s Japan so whacky culture. It actually killed the entire phenomenon in the global hivemind.


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Cutlet Sandwich


does it hurt anime girls to pick them up by their antennae


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Animebytes album of the week, DJ Shrapnel p2p (2001)


File: 1739257740489.mp3 (12.51 MB, 02 DJ SHARPNEL - CO・CO・RO.mp3)

Toshokan Library OP remix from this


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back cover is based on the original winmx ui and media player classic


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